Saturday, September 21, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #156: Champions of the Faith: Thomas a' Kempis-Withstanding Temptation

 Resource: of the Imitation of Christ Whitaker House. New Kensington, PA. 1981

     This writing from more than 500 years ago is a timeless classic! Authored by a German monk in Germany, the writings are important in reflecting this Christian's devotion and obedience to God. Both Catholics and Protestants may find significant insights and teachings to live more fully in one's life as a devout person of faith.

     "Everyone therefore ought to be full of care about his own temptations, and to watch in prayer lest the Devil find an advantage to deceive him. He never sleeps, but ever goes about 'seeking' whom he may devour." (1Peter 5:8). (pg. 28). We will all be tempted without end. We must recognize the attacks to get us to sin and walk out of strength in God and be overtaken. The Devil is relentless and has been on the attack to take us away from our Creator ever since the Fall. 

     "Yet we must be watchful, especially in the beginning of the temptation. The enemy is then more easily overcome, if he is not permitted in any wise to enter the door of our hearts, but is resisted without the gate at his first knock....(the process is) First...a bare thought of evil,...a strong imagination...delight,...evil motion,...consent." (30). However, "God...will vouchsafe...with the temptation also make a way to escape," Paul wrote: (I Cor. 10:13).

     Temptation to do evil and to sin is overwhelming. One must constantly be on alert to recognize evil ready to take one over and learn the scripture to repeat to withstand the temptation. . Matthew 6:13 "And don't let us yield to temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Our Lord gives us a way out, but we must quickly pray for strength to withstand sinning. Our evil human desires lead us to sin. Our Lord leads us to repentance and forgiveness. 

Resource: Advanced Training Institute of America. A Comprehensive Course in Effective Counseling. Oakbrook, IL. "It is important to trace our surface issues to root problems and causes (5)." Main question for sinning relates to whether we maintain moral purity. "Counseling is helping a person resolve fear, depression, anger, lust and other destructive emotions by relating them to 'strongholds' which can be torn down with Biblical truth." (7). Sins of bitterness, greed or immorality gives up a part of us to Satan. Once that happens, there appears within us a "stronghold," wherein we become rooted until we recognize we have given territory to Satan over a part of our life. We accept false ideas, by which we make decisions, that are unwise. (9). Confession of our sin returns us to God's side of the equation and we are back on track for righteous behavior. Then the challenge becomes not to fall back. Daily Bible study becomes the reminder to turn us to God's truths for behavior.