Friday, December 30, 2016

Avalon Chronicles #74: "Reflection, Renewal., and Resolutions in the New Year"

Avalon Chronicles #74: "Reflection, Renewal, and Resolutions in the New Year"

by Allen B. Clark

References: to Faith. KCP Publications. 1992.

     It was several years ago that I placed on my lay ministry web site (above) what for me was a summarized view of my faith walk and its practical application derived as a sum total of decades of prayer, study, and reading of dozens of books.
     On the occasion of the eve of a New Year it is an appropriate time to Reflect, Renew, and Resolve.
     In Reflection, allow me to give thought to what we know to be our tripartite self:  Body, soul, and spirit. Our soul consists of our mind, emotions, and will and suffers torments due to outside influences from others, personal situations, or worldly conditions. However, there is a significant amount of torments of the soul over which we have complete personal control. Allow me to render proper credit to the now-deceased Nancy Missler and her teachings for the following concept. A major secret to success in reducing the torments of the soul is T.E.C.A.C.. She taught that, if one controls the mind through our Thoughts, then the Emotions can be restrained so that one may exert the will to make wise Choices of Actions to provide Consequences that in more cases than not will be positive rather than negative and provide us peace and tranquility.
     This is not easily-accomplished. However, through the personal discipline of constant spiritual Renewal, we are reminded that blessings from our Lord emanate primarily due to living a pure and clean life. This state is achieved by true repentance and confession of sins and forgiveness of all others plus ourselves, which lays the foundation for constant spiritual renewal. 
     In the upcoming New Year the following are worthy spiritual Resolutions:     

1. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalms 51:10 (KJV)

2. "A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger." Proverbs 15:1 (KJV)

3. "Holy Spirit, use me to pray for someone today." (Faith April 5)

4. "So determine in your heart today to be loyal to God in every word you speak." (Faith April 4)

5. "In the Name of Jesus, I commit myself from this day forward to live by the Word of God, to live by my faith, and to live by the love of God." (Faith March 8)

REMEMBER: "Sin Shatters the Strength of the Spirit"

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