Avalon Chronicles #104: "Resources for Growth of Faith-Part 1"
by the Honorable Allen B. Clark allenbclark@aol.com
www.combatfaith.com www.combatfaith.blogspot.com
Introduction: The United States military is an organization that engages in continuing education and training throughout one's service to our nation. For a military career at every rank there are new and advanced levels of training and growth. It is the same for our own personal education and growth for our faith walk. This message is divided into four sections over two parts for advancing levels of maturing and enhancement of personal faith comparable to stair-stepped levels of career military training. All of the following resources are in the personal libraries of my wife's or my own. Most have been read and studied by either or both of us. Others we have referred to often as helpful references.
I. Basic Training (Officers and Enlisted)
"If Christianity is not true, it is unimportant. If it is true, nothing is more important." C.S. Lewis.
A. Holy Bible-Life Application Bibles
1. Tyndale House (King James Version).
2. Tyndale House and Zondervan (New International Version).
3. The Everyday Life Bible. Notes and Commentary by Joyce Meyer. Faith Words. 2018.
B. Introduction to the Christian Faith
1. Deere, Philip. God's Master Plan of Salvation. Belvidere, IL.: Voice Publishing. Updated 2018.
2. Murray, Andrew (several publishers). Abide in Christ and Absolute Surrender.
3. Thomas, Major W. Ian. The Saving Life of Christ. Grand Rapids, MI.: Zondervan. 1973.
C. Daily Devotional
1.Young, Sarah. Jesus Calling. Daily Devotional. Nashville, TN.: Thomas Nelson. 2011.
2. Wigglesworth, Smith. Smith Wigglesworth on Manifesting the Power of God: Walking in God's Anointing Every Day of the Year. Shippensburg, PA.: Destiny Images. 2016.
II. Advanced Individual Training-Officer Career Courses
A. Prayer
1. Bounds, E.M. Power Through Prayer and Purpose in Prayer.
2. Finney, Charles G. Answers to Prayer and Principles of Prayer.
3. Murray, Andrew. The Believer's School of Prayer and With Christ in the School of Prayer.
B. Healing From Spiritual Bondage
1. Savard, Liberty. Liberty Savard Ministries. P.O. Box 41260 Sacramento, Ca. 95841
North Brunswick, NJ.: Bridge-Logos.
a. Breaking the Power. 1997.
b. Shattering Your Strongholds. 6th Ed. 1998.
c. Producing the Promise. 1999.
2. Meyer, Joyce. Battlefield of the Mind. New York: Faith Words. 2011.
3. Miller, J.Keith. Sin Overcoming the Ultimate Deadly Addiction. San Francisco: Harper&Row. 1987
C. Near Death and Out of Body Experiences
1. Burke, John. Imagine Heaven. Grand Rapids, MI.: Baker Books. 2015.
2. Piper, Don. 90 Minutes in Heaven. Grand Rapids, MI.: Anniversary issue. Revell. 2014.
D. Prophecy
1. LaHaye, Tim and Ed Hinson (General Editors). The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy. Eugene, OR.: Harvest House. 2004.
2. LaHaye, Tim and Thomas Ice. Charting the End Times. Eugene, OR.: Harvest House. 2001.
3. Walvoord, John F. Major Bible Prophecies. Grand Rapids, MI.; Zondervan. 1991.
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