Monday, May 20, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #145: Why Doesn't God Answer All My Prayers?

      Often it has been that I have repeated, "You know that your prayers are answered because you obey His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight!" I have taken that to heart and always sought to satisfy those requirements. But, I have had multitudes of prayers unanswered through the decades. There really are categories of prayers:

      Prayers for my own healing and that of others. The fulfillment of these prayers often should take into consideration whether the maladies are due to our own or others' neglect of good health habits or hygiene. A life time of smoking is not necessarily going to have healing from emphysema. Sometimes family genes are responsible for maladies. However, our God is the One, Who hears and performs miracles beyond expectations. 

     Personal prayers of mine for desires of my heart to be fulfilled. These end up being prayers usually to satisfy my needs or wants. These can be for relationships, attitudes and provision. These may not be answered, because God does not desire the outcome we desire, because He sees ahead and it is not His will for us. 

     Really major ones are to pray for our sins to be forgiven or for us to forgive others of transgressions or hurts put upon us by others. 

     Back in 1994 I had lost my position as a political appointee in the President George H.W. Bush administration due to a change in the political party in power the previous year. I was employed in Durham, NC and my then-wife Jackie had filed for divorce from me. All the reasons need not be documented here, although she had severe hurts from the years after I came back from the Vietnam War and had become a double leg amputee with all the attendant issues from this severe combat operating stressor. I had traveled to Pennsylvania for a weekend with Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets from all over the east coast. I was in a discussion group with several of them and expressed my prayers she would change her mind. One very wise college student told me, even though I prayed mightily that we would not have to divorce, that a change by her would require a choice by her to withdraw her legal action. My prayers had no impact on her decision expressed by the choice to express her free will. God would not override her decision just because I prayed she would cancel the divorce proceedings. God has not made us puppets to tell us what to do. My prayers had no impact on her decision. Our divorce eventually proceeded to fulfillment.

     One issue that was very important to me to resolve was that she forgive me for volunteering in 1966 for service in Vietnam without talking it over with her. I had an opportunity for an assignment to avoid the war, but knew my conscience would not allow me to miss Vietnam without guilt all my life, a life built upon the West Point motto of Duty Honor Country. I volunteered for service in the war and I must have admitted the choice without her approval, when under anesthesia or the several months of morphine. At any rate she found out and had harbored for a quarter of a century unforgiveness and bitterness toward me for causing the horrendous challenges we suffered due to my war wounds. 

      Also, in 1994 at a Bible Study in northern Virginia one weekend away from Durham, I ended up in a room at our place of worship with the pastor. He asked me if there were any specific prayer requests I had. I answered that my wife(our divorce had not yet been finalized) had never forgiven me for my failure to discuss with her such a monumental decision as volunteering for a war. He taught me a lesson on changing attitudes or decisions made by others through a unique example of prayer. He told me, even if I prayed mightily that she would forgive me, that God would not override that decision. But he said, "We will pray that there will be 'Laborers of the Harvest' in her path to convict her to forgive me."

     We prayed that the Lord teaches us we must forgive all others of their transgressions or we ourselves would not be forgiven of our own transgressions. I asked him how that worked. He said we will pray she reads something, watches something, hears something on media or from someone else about God's teaching on forgiveness. I went back to Durham having great apprehension of the validity of that prayer!

     Two weeks later I was in Durham and she called me from Austin, Texas. She said, "I forgive you for volunteering for Vietnam without discussing it with me, when you had your chance to miss the war." I asked her why after all these years. She said she had watched Christian television the night before and on Trinity Broadcasting Network she listened to a program from Denver, Colorado with Marilyn Hickey in which she said that the Bible mentions eighteen times about the requirement spiritually to forgive all others or you will not be forgiven.

     Do I believe in prayer? Mightily I do! She did not forgive me because I prayed she would, but that prayer worked on her free will to change her mind and heart toward me! For this example and many others I truly believe Jesus is the Son of God and prayers to God in the Name of Jesus have a high probability of being answered, but a few ground rules do apply!


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #144: The Benefits of His Passion

 Reference: Avalon Chronicles #137

At the Crucifixion and Resurrection there was a new Sheriff in town! He came to change the world!

 The Evidence Bible Matthew 27:50-54 "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, 'Truly this was the Son of God!'" 

     If we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, we have a personal relationship with Him and can discard much of what religion or "spirituality" teaches us. We have the authority as believers to appropriate His authority to battle the adversary. More on this later.

     He walked the earth for forty days and appeared to many before He went to the Father in heaven. With His death on the cross His earthly mission was accomplished. Note above He overcame death in the earth overseen and under control by the devil, who up to that time held power over the earth and death. Jesus brought the opportunity for salvation to all, who believe He was the Son of God. Historically, back to Golgotha even the Roman soldiers, who were at the foot of His cross believed Him to be the Son of God. But, humanity through the centuries since that day, has lived in a never-ending time of turmoil individually and corporately, some caused by our own sins and expression of our free will and most caused by the continual attacks by the demonic spirits on humans. The attacks by the evil spirits become a proving ground for us to show our love of our God in heaven. We must express our loyalty by winning the tactical (personal) battles all of us are faced with each day

     He acquired the power and authority over heaven and earth. His Name causes the evil ones and the demonic spirits to cower before Him. So we have a choice. Either we choose God's or Satan's world. I choose God's. You too may do so by saying these words: 

(Copyright by Christian Equippers International 1981).

"Lord Jesus...I want to stop trusting in myself...and what I can do...and starting trusting in You...and what You have already done...when you died for me on the cross. I know that I am a sinner...and I am sorry for my sins. I ask You to forgive me...and I invite You to come and live inside of me. I want You to be my Savior...and my Lord...which means being #1 in my life. I want to repent and turn away...from everything You and the Bible call sin...and I totally commit obeying You...Everyday, for the rest of my life. Thank You Jesus."

     We can accept Jesus as Savior with this commitment and thereby have a multitude of benefits of His passion that will be addressed in future messages. God bless and keep you and your loved ones in the protection of our Father in Heaven. 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #143: Putting on the Full Armor of God and Then Some!

 I Put On:

The Helmet of Salvation

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Belt of Truth

I shod my feet in preparation to Proclaim the Gospel of Peace

I hold up the Shield of Faith to ward off the fiery darts of the evil one

I take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God

Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me.

I will make not provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.

I will bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

But, I say to you, that for every idle word that you shall speak, you shall give account of it in the day of judgment and by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.

I praise you Lord for your love, grace and mercy that endure forever.

You know that your prayers are answered because you obey His Commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.

I confess my sins of thought, word and deed, known and unknown. I repent and I ask forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. I know that you are faithful and just to forgive me my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteous.

I know that if I forgive all others, I will be forgiven, but, if I do not forgive all others, I will not be forgiven.

I bind myself to the character and attributes of God, Righteousness, Holiness, Integrity and Purity.

I bind myself to the Mind of Christ and ask that I would have imparted to me Wisdom, Insight, Discernment, Knowledge and Maturity.

I bind myself to Holy Spirit and pray I would reflect the Fruit of Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Self-Control.

The eyes of the Lord roam throughout the world to show Himself strong on behalf of those, whose heart is loyal to Him.

Allen Clark 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #142: Between Two Worlds: Will You Choose the kingdom of death or the Kingdom of Liberty?

      We all live in two worlds, one, our earthly existence in our flesh/body, ruled by Satan and a spiritual one of our soul and spirit, whose Kingdom is that of God the Father and Creator of all.

      One of the prized books in my personal library is that of Annals of the World, originally published in 1658 by the  most Reverend James Ussher, Archbishop and Primate of Ireland. My volume is copyright by Larry and Marion Price of Canada and what a marvelous volume they have revised and updated. It was published by Master Books of Green Forest, AR. In this work it is dated 4004 BC, when the recorded history of the Kingdom of God began almost 6000 years ago. God introduced the newlyweds, Adam and Eve, into the Garden of Eden, possibly located arguably in the land of present-day Iraq. It did not take them long to violate the Kingdom of God by eating the forbidden fruit. How long has disobedience reigned in Satan's world? The kingdom of Satan got an early start for humanity! The clash between the two kingdoms is the most critical element of our lives. That set the stage for the constant conflict in all our lives. Conflict is minimized is God's Kingdom.

     Because of this early disobedience the groundwork was laid for Satan to have authority over the world. A long study would be needed to establish the background for this condition and status, so take my word for its happening and let us develop the short example. A classic example of the veracity of Satan controlling the earth is his having the authority to submit Jesus to the three temptations in the wilderness. In NIV version Matthew 4:1-11 we learn that Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms in the world, if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus attempted to set Satan straight as to who really was in charge of earth by advising him to "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." Thus was established in a very significant fashion the struggle we mere humans face each day. We must choose to believe a Supreme Being created planet earth and us humans, but God has given us free will to make the choices of which world we will inhabit every day. I have chosen to live in the Kingdom of God, the one in which I have chosen eternal life because of God's Son dying on that cross at Golgotha in Jerusalem in 33AD. Who, but God, knows the statistics of those in either kingdom, but I am comfortable for sure in God's Kingdom. 

     Humans may dispute there is God at all, but they do so at their own peril. Remaining isolated from the power available by believing in God, the Son and Holy Spirit is a lonely, fearful, and sad world to put it bluntly. By my or anyone's decision to join God's Kingdom by believing He was the original Creator of all and after four thousand or so years of our existence and much warfare and killing and suffering, He sent His Son Jesus for us to claim eternal life by believing He was Who He said He was, establishes me for a place in eternity. Not only do I have eternity in Heaven ahead rather than the depths of Hell, but I have a blueprint I can follow that gives me the opportunity for daily peace and happiness. I will not be so rigid as to claim I am always in God's Kingdom. One can choose that Kingdom, but, by unwise choices step off the right path from time to time and when that happens, one of those one third of Heaven's angels/demons, who joined Lucifer in rebellion, will be more than pleased to work us over! 

     Unfortunately, the continued suffering and pain and death in the world is because Satan is alive and well on Planet Earth. He uses his power over the unsaved to continue the mayhem and horror that has impacted us, since Cain killed his brother Abel. He uses his demonic agents to keep many in his realm through sin, unforgiveness, addictions and fleshly desires.

     Which kingdom do you choose? Only one has a destination of life eternal.