We all live in two worlds, one, our earthly existence in our flesh/body, ruled by Satan and a spiritual one of our soul and spirit, whose Kingdom is that of God the Father and Creator of all.
One of the prized books in my personal library is that of Annals of the World, originally published in 1658 by the most Reverend James Ussher, Archbishop and Primate of Ireland. My volume is copyright by Larry and Marion Price of Canada and what a marvelous volume they have revised and updated. It was published by Master Books of Green Forest, AR. In this work it is dated 4004 BC, when the recorded history of the Kingdom of God began almost 6000 years ago. God introduced the newlyweds, Adam and Eve, into the Garden of Eden, possibly located arguably in the land of present-day Iraq. It did not take them long to violate the Kingdom of God by eating the forbidden fruit. How long has disobedience reigned in Satan's world? The kingdom of Satan got an early start for humanity! The clash between the two kingdoms is the most critical element of our lives. That set the stage for the constant conflict in all our lives. Conflict is minimized is God's Kingdom.
Because of this early disobedience the groundwork was laid for Satan to have authority over the world. A long study would be needed to establish the background for this condition and status, so take my word for its happening and let us develop the short example. A classic example of the veracity of Satan controlling the earth is his having the authority to submit Jesus to the three temptations in the wilderness. In NIV version Matthew 4:1-11 we learn that Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms in the world, if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus attempted to set Satan straight as to who really was in charge of earth by advising him to "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." Thus was established in a very significant fashion the struggle we mere humans face each day. We must choose to believe a Supreme Being created planet earth and us humans, but God has given us free will to make the choices of which world we will inhabit every day. I have chosen to live in the Kingdom of God, the one in which I have chosen eternal life because of God's Son dying on that cross at Golgotha in Jerusalem in 33AD. Who, but God, knows the statistics of those in either kingdom, but I am comfortable for sure in God's Kingdom.
Humans may dispute there is God at all, but they do so at their own peril. Remaining isolated from the power available by believing in God, the Son and Holy Spirit is a lonely, fearful, and sad world to put it bluntly. By my or anyone's decision to join God's Kingdom by believing He was the original Creator of all and after four thousand or so years of our existence and much warfare and killing and suffering, He sent His Son Jesus for us to claim eternal life by believing He was Who He said He was, establishes me for a place in eternity. Not only do I have eternity in Heaven ahead rather than the depths of Hell, but I have a blueprint I can follow that gives me the opportunity for daily peace and happiness. I will not be so rigid as to claim I am always in God's Kingdom. One can choose that Kingdom, but, by unwise choices step off the right path from time to time and when that happens, one of those one third of Heaven's angels/demons, who joined Lucifer in rebellion, will be more than pleased to work us over!
Unfortunately, the continued suffering and pain and death in the world is because Satan is alive and well on Planet Earth. He uses his power over the unsaved to continue the mayhem and horror that has impacted us, since Cain killed his brother Abel. He uses his demonic agents to keep many in his realm through sin, unforgiveness, addictions and fleshly desires.
Which kingdom do you choose? Only one has a destination of life eternal.
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