Resource: December 22, 2024 Preaching/singing by Reverend Keith Craft, Pastor of Elevate Life Church Frisco , Tx.
Who is our ultimate enemy behind killings in war, murders and all the tragic sufferings of mankind?
King Jesus lived amongst us as the Son of a carpenter. He was born the King of Kings as an infant. Who then would have known He would someday die for our sins and set us sinners free? Kings are born into royal families with great fanfare and celebration. Fireworks are set off and cannon boom. Jesus was born in simplicity in a manger. His parents had to flee to Egypt because the earthly King Herod ordered the death of all the male children, who might someday threaten his power. Jesus lived and for three years in the Promised Land he preached of a new life for those that believed in Him. Since then two thousand years have come and gone. Empires have been built and fallen. Nations have fought nations and brother has fought brother. Men have become so filled with hatred. And half the would is starving.
Blood has run in streams on battlefields. Our cemeteries are filled with the men and women, who answered their nation's call to fight the "enemy." Limbs have been cut off (like my two from Vietnam). Condition of the Heart has plagued warriors since Cain killed Abel and collateral damage is suffered by the families, who waited at home for the warriors to return. Today the lingering emotional and mental injury is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We debate over disarmament and yet the men on the front lines suffer decades after decades. As pastor Craft sang his song of the world after the King was born, a new revelation came upon me.
In bayonet practice at West Point we were told to yell out, "Kill" as we drove our bayonets through the dummies. Combatants must be motivated to confront our enemies and remove them as a menace to our beliefs. We must be taught to kill the enemy and be motivated to march over hill and dale to win a victory over our enemies. In Old Testament times it was the giants in Canaan. In more recent history it has been Yankees versus Confederates, the Hun, the Japs, the Germans, the gooks, the chinks, the VC, the Russians, the Taliban, and next year there will be a new enemy, perhaps the "aliens" from another galaxy in the universe.
In that service as Pastor Craft sang, for the FIRST time something clicked for me. Satan left Heaven with his one third of the angels. They are not just sitting around campfires on earth. They are actively engaged as the forces of evil led by Satan working his devious goals to keep things stirred up down here on earth. On the battlefields we mere earthlings on both sides of front lines are merely doing the tactical things done in warfare. Way back up the strategic routes, there are Kaisers, Stalins, Hitlers, Tojos, Mao Tse Tungs, Ho Chi Minhs, all intent on achieving power and earthly riches.
They are not the REAL enemy. The Real enemy is Satan, who does not want the King of Kings to prevail, by winning humanity over to Him. The bottom line is we need to pray that demon spirits will be removed from the hearts of the evil leaders of the world. Only then can a true peace be possible on earth. Until the Second Coming we will kill each other and the blood will continue to flow!
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