Source: Rev. Daniel Pinckney Sozo Ministry Chattanooga, TN. Commentary in quotes is directly from Sozo web site. Author of Whole & Free.
It has been with great pleasure that Linda and I in recent evenings have heard of the extraordinary healing ministry of the Reverend Daniel Pinckney. We viewed on Youtube: "Walking in God's Supernatural Power A Stronger Faith Ministries Jan. 15, 2025." "Healing of soulful and bodily injuries sometimes can be accomplished through a spiritual analysis and application of a ministerial approach centered on spiritual warfare, sin, unforgiveness, stress and generational curses.
"It is common that people suffer "soul injuries" throughout life, sometimes beginning even from the womb, or inherited generationally and those hurts can often result in spiritual, emotional and physical maladies....According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. And more than 75 percent of all physician visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints."
"Chronic stress can affect your brain, suppress your thyroid, cause blood sugar imbalance, decrease bone density and muscle tissue, raise blood pressure, reduce your immunity and ability to heal, and increase fat deposits around your abdomen that are associated with heart attacks, strokes and elevated 'bad' cholesterol."
"In our ministry, we meet a lot of people who are struggling with serious physical, emotional and spiritual problems. Many feel themselves in bondage to some addiction, whether that be fear and worry, anger, alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, overeating, etc....Some feel tormented and don't know why life just isn't going well for them." Be aware that the above conditions in one are what is termed "doorways."
In Matthew 18: there is the story of unforgiveness of debts by the king's slaves. A slave was turned over to the "torturers" for a lack of forgiveness. "Many commentators believe and we have seen true in our ministry, that the torturers are demons....The way God sets us free from the destruction that comes from Satan and his demons is for us to repent (of our sins) and forgive (all others)...from the heart....We have seen so many people set free from all kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual problems when they genuinely forgive."
Few totally realize that not only do we suffer from our own sins and unforgiveness, but, amazingly enough also what are sins and unforgiveness back through our family bloodlines. These are termed "generational curses." The technique utilized by ministers such as at Sozo is as follows (and we can personally do so ourselves): An example is: "We apply the blood of Jesus shed on the cross to set captives free from bondage and in Jesus' name, we break the power of this generational (from parents, grandparents their anger, lust, alcoholism, sin, etc) off of" of her, her children and all future generations."
Stay tuned for the next Avalon Chronicles and a deliverance ministry, whose Founder is a long time personal friend.
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