Thursday, February 27, 2025

Avalon Chronicles #170: "What you need to know about demons-your invisible enemies" Part One

 Resource: They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince. Chosen Books. Grand Rapids, Michigan 1998.

     My wife and I became acquainted with author Prince perhaps two decades ago. We have become big fans of his teachings and writings. His father was an officer posted to India in the British Army. He was educated in British schools culminating with honors graduation from Cambridge University. As an Army veteran I was especially intrigued with his service in the ambulance corps in North Africa in WWII. 

     I have had extensive exposure to demonology through the study of spiritual warfare. In an interview I watched recently the interviewee said he had been in church in America for forty years and had never heard the preacher talk about demons in a single service. This is a sad commentary on the church in the United States. God sent His Son Jesus to earth in human form two thousand years ago to break the power Satan had acquired by his successful temptation of Adam and Eve. That success by Satan gave him the legal power to be the God of this world. His instruments of evil and tormenting us are the "angels," who left the heavenly realms with him upon his rebellion. Perhaps in some future writings I will cover the earth's pre-flood time that comprised the period dominated by the controversial Nephilim. "Jesus came to the help of suffering humanity, working miracles by healing the sick and casting out demons."(8).

     It is distinctly probable for all of us that many of our seemingly unmanageable soulful issues are acquired by us through our lives and we are in a daze to understand how to be healed. During Jesus' ministry on earth for three years there are many accounts of His "casting out of demons." When He left the confines of his earthly ministry, He told His disciples that He was transmitting His authority to them to cast out demons. That authority has been passed along to us also. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

     Derek Prince writes of the two opposing spiritual realms, Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Since the creation of humankind there has been and is an ongoing battle of these opposing powers. Prince writes, "...some people are under demonic oppression who do not know how to get free and are enduring the various degrees of torment that demons inflict." (11). Prince himself was besieged by depression on his own. He recognized, "...the mental, emotional and physical torment is as severe as that of people imprisoned and tortured in totalitarian prison camps or gulags." (12). Jesus' Gospel is what provides humanity the hope and release we need from our torments of demonology. 

     I was in my early fifties when I first became aware of this aspect of our faith walks and the healings and release from the demonic spirits that has a grip on us. In my own writings that follow I will spend extensive time in extending and teaching on what I have learned by reading and studying what ministers have learned and appropriated for healing from demonic oppression. Stay tuned!   


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