Reference: Larson's Book of Spiritual Warfare,. Bob Larson. Thomas Nelson Publishers. 1999.
Readers of this blog must believe that demons do exist. As a military veteran I was schooled in "chain of command." Who reports to whom? In the spiritual realm, Lucifer, Satan, the devil, spurred on by jealousy and pride left Heaven in rebellion. On a chart of an evil chain of command the devil is at the top. It has been his original purpose from eternity back to stop the birth of our Savior, Jesus the Christ and torment humans, whether or not we have accepted Jesus as Savior. Until the End Times, documented in Revelation, Satan has had enormous power in the world. When the fall of Adam and Eve happened in the Garden, he was given dominion over the world system.
Satan has command of the "demons," his foot soldiers that are a constant thorn in humanity's side. Author Larson writes, "In all my years of dealing with demons, I have never encountered a case that contradicts my conclusion about the origin of evil spirits: They are angels who fell from their estate as did Lucifer (Ezek. 28;11-19; Isa. 14:12-15). Approximately one-third of all created angels succumbed to the devil's pleas of insurrection against God (Rev. 12:4), and they are now his emissaries of evil (Matt. 25:41-'the devil and his angels')." (46). There is belief that some of these angels are already inhabitants of hell. However, the ones we humans must pay attention to are the ones, who actively work us mere humans over.
Larson's writes of three theories to describes these "shock troops" in Satan's chain of command. "Pre-Adamic race, mongrels, or fallen angels. (45). In the first case there is the theory that there occurred before Adam and Eve another original created perfect earth, which was judged by means of a cataclysm, a judgment by God due to evil humanity. "The spirits of this wicked race were disembodied and roamed the earth seeking humans to possess." (45). There is a second theory set forth in the Enoch book of the Apocrypha, "...which theorizes that fallen angels sexually commingled with certain human females before the Flood. This perverted union resulted in mongrels, who were part human and part demonic, the genetically mutated giants of Genesis 6:4." (45). The offspring were called the Nephilim. They caused so much horror and depravity that God caused the Flood which , "...destroyed the natural bodies of these monsters, leaving their spirits to seek human possession and habitation." (45). Larson believes they were sent to a hellish prison.
My study and beliefs come to a more easily accepted conclusion that the "demons" are the angels, who left Heaven with Satan and became the soldiers reporting to their "Commander in Chief." They are humanity's enemies. Stay tuned as to learn about their modus operandi and from what they derive their power. Think about Points of Entry.
Allen Clark
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