Monday, March 10, 2025

Avalon Chronicles #172: Triage for Physical/Spiritual/ Soulful Emergencies or Conditions

     Triage: "A system of establishing the order in which acts are to be carried out in an emergency, esp.acts of medical assistance." Webster's New Dictionary and Thesaurus. 2002. Wiley Publishing, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio.

     Triage on the battlefield or after a disaster consists of an examination of the wounded/injured with a view toward treatment of those, who can be saved. All of humanity incurs issues related to body, soul and spirit and how to sort through a direction to addressing/healing our issues.

      First steps in triage relate to a question for each of us as to our spiritual state. Have we confessed all sins of thought, word and deed, known and unknown, in the Name of Jesus, with repentance and our intention to sin no more. Secondly, have we forgiven all others, whether or not we are still wounded and suffering the slight and do not desire to forget the hurt. This is mandatory. We can forgive the source, but not the hurt. Our Lord and His Trinity of Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will not address our wounds until we do our part to be cleaned up to put it very bluntly. 

     1. ISSUES RELATED TO THE PHYSICAL: Some issues relate to physiology: issues of body, limbs, and living organism. Simply put, we incur accidents with injury or conditions of ill health. Admittedly accidents may occur due to negligence by us or others. Medical conditions may be a result of poor hygiene or eating habits, infection or poor health. This type of issue lends itself possibly to divine intervention by God through prayer. We can call for the elders of the church or friends or ministers to join us in agreement prayer for our healing. This need for healing goes way and beyond typical medical attention. I have asked God for healing and sometimes the condition is never healed or is delayed. 

      2. ISSUES RELATED TO PERSONALITY OR ACTIONS: There may be turmoil in one's life due to our personality or interpersonal relations. If this is prevalent, we must "Bind ourselves to the Mind of Christ and request impartation from the Mind of Christ for the Wisdom, Insight, Discernment, Knowledge and Maturity" to have divine understanding of wherein we should change our attitude or behavior.

      3. ISSUES RELATED TO THE SOUL AND SPIRIT: In past writings and in the future I will address extensively the wounds caused by the eternal enemy of all of God's people, that caused by Satan, the god of this world. Satan left Heaven in rebellion and was accompanied by one third of the angels. In military terms they are defectors and traitors to God. However, these demonic entities have the legal authority to enter us and work us over to cause turmoil in us if we have unconfessed sin and unforgiveness. These issues are much more complex and relate to an arena termed "spiritual warfare," which, unfortunately, certain denominations totally refrain from understanding and are engaged in sermons that focus on the "loving God," which He is, but ignore the antagonist from Creation, his soldiers, the demons, and the havoc we create by ourselves or was created by our ancestors through sin and wrong decisions.  (To Be Continued)

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