Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #164: Christmas and the King of Kings was Born and Still Lives!

Resource: December 22, 2024 Preaching/singing by Reverend Keith Craft, Pastor of Elevate Life Church Frisco , Tx. 

Who is our ultimate enemy behind killings in war, murders and all the tragic sufferings of mankind?

King Jesus lived amongst us as the Son of a carpenter. He was born the King of Kings as an infant. Who then would have known He would someday die for our sins and set us sinners free? Kings are born into royal families with great fanfare and celebration. Fireworks are set off and cannon boom. Jesus was born in simplicity in a manger. His parents had to flee to Egypt because the earthly King Herod ordered the death of all the male children, who might someday threaten his power. Jesus lived and for three years in the Promised Land he preached of a new life for those that believed in Him. Since then two thousand years have come and gone. Empires have been built and fallen. Nations have fought nations and brother has fought brother. Men have become so filled with hatred. And half the would is starving. 

Blood has run in streams on battlefields. Our cemeteries are filled with the men and women, who answered their nation's call to fight the "enemy." Limbs have been cut off (like my two from Vietnam). Condition of the Heart has plagued warriors since Cain killed Abel and collateral damage is suffered by the families, who waited at home for the warriors to return. Today the lingering emotional and mental injury is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We debate over disarmament and yet the men on the front lines suffer decades after decades. As pastor Craft sang his song of the world after the King was born, a new revelation came upon me. 

In bayonet practice at West Point we were told to yell out, "Kill" as we drove our bayonets through the dummies. Combatants must be motivated to confront our enemies and remove them as a menace to our beliefs. We must be taught to kill the enemy and be motivated to march over hill and dale to win a victory over our enemies. In Old Testament times it was the giants in Canaan. In more recent history it has been Yankees versus Confederates, the Hun, the Japs, the Germans, the gooks, the chinks, the VC, the Russians, the Taliban, and next year there will be a new enemy, perhaps the "aliens" from another galaxy in the universe.

In that service as Pastor Craft sang, for the FIRST time something clicked for me. Satan left Heaven with his one third of the angels. They are not just sitting around campfires on earth. They are actively engaged as the forces of evil led by Satan working his devious goals to keep things stirred up down here on earth. On the battlefields we mere earthlings on both sides of front lines are merely doing the tactical things done in warfare. Way back up the strategic routes, there are Kaisers, Stalins, Hitlers, Tojos, Mao Tse Tungs, Ho Chi Minhs, all intent on achieving power and earthly riches.

They are not the REAL enemy. The Real enemy is Satan, who does not want the King of Kings to prevail, by winning humanity over to Him. The bottom line is we need to pray that demon spirits will be removed from the hearts of the evil leaders of the world. Only then can a true peace be possible on earth. Until the Second Coming we will kill each other and the blood will continue to flow! 

Avalon Chronicles #163: "If I were to be asked..." Part Two

                                                      Faith, Prayer and Forgiveness

     The Bible covers every important aspect in life as to behavior. It serves us all well to learn and follow its teachings. Our Creator births us all for an Eternal Life. It is wise to grasp that how we live our lives will determine which direction we go after death. We live on and I believe in the ongoing existence upon my death of my final existence in Heaven. I have heard enough about Heaven and hell and I choose ascending to Heaven. The fires of hell are not appealing to me. 

FAITH: This is the most critical aspect of each of our lives. If we believe in Jesus the Christ, Who came to earth in human form, that He died on the Cross so that our sins may be forgiven, and that He rose from the grave, then, to be saved for eternity in Heaven, we must proclaim by verbal declaration that his crucifixion actually happened and therefore in a very simplistic manner, we will ascend to Heaven. 

A righteous (good, virtuous, upright, upstanding, upright, decent, ethical) life will be required us. It is not this righteous life that ensures our entry to Heaven, but it is by our faith. When we are faithful, then righteous behavior follows and we live with a clear conscience. That ensures a special ongoing peace in our lives. In all candor this is our daily challenge. When we do not uphold righteousness in our behavior, then we must HUMBLY ASK THE FATHER TO BESTOW MERCY UPON US. 

PRAYER: It is written that He answers prayers and we all need them answered constantly in our lives. But, there is a major criteria that must be satisfied. You must confess ALL your sins on an ongoing basis AND you must forgive all others. It is written in 1 John 3:22: "You know that your prayers are answered because you obey His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight." The Ten Commandments are very evident and historical, but we should remind ourselves often about the standards contained in them. It was in my forties before I caught on to this scripture and I have always been aware since then of the "things that are pleasing in His sight." That phrase keeps me on edge and I try mightily to satisfy that behavioral standard. 

FORGIVENESS:  A classic example of this was brought to my attention years ago, when I had a conversation with the man, who provided my lawn care. He commented on my disability as a double leg amputee walking with prostheses. I asked him if he had any health issues he desired my prayer. He said yes. Then I indicated that to receive answers to prayer for healing, he would have to forgive all others, who had offended him. I will never forget his response, "I am not sure I can do that." It is written in John 8: 1-11, "If you forgive others their trespasses, you will be forgiven, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, YOU WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN."

Our Creator births us all for an Eternal Life. Most of us do not realize after our earthly bodily life, that there are two directions for us as to travel. I prefer up to Heaven, not down to hell!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #162" "If I were to be asked..." Part One

      At 82 years of age, "...what would you impart to young people as to what you have learned?" I would discuss several arenas: Wisdom Insight Discernment Knowledge Maturity. WIDKM for short. It is these I ask for each day. I pray to my Father, "I pray I would be bound to the Mind of Christ and have imparted to me WIDKM as I encounter decisions and issues every day" If I listen, I do believe I get answers.

     I am in advanced practical application phase of life, even though I know God is not finished with me in my basic faith walk. I have heard thousands of sermons and read hundreds of books, but I will never reach the depths of the deepest trench in the Pacific as to what I need to finish strong! Humbly, I continue to ask my Lord for His mercy. However, I never stop attempting to learn God's ways and live by those rather than my own ways. I will begin with Garden of Eden. I have been to a man's war in Vietnam, a secular conflict that cost lives and blood and pain and for me two limbs. But, the Garden experience set up up the ultimate strategic never-ending war of all time, that of Satan versus God, the Creator of our little planet earth and all the galaxies in space. Satan discovered that there would be established a human blood line that would provide a Christ that would establish a way out of the trials and tribulations of earthly existence. Since then to this very day there would be a spiritual battle for good versus evil in its simplest definition. There was Noah's Flood approximately 4344 years ago and only eight humans survived! Why did God wipe out humanity and start over? It takes a deep dive into Scripture and a tiptoeing into the Bible in obscure extra-Biblical writings in the Apocrypha to understand it all.

     After the Fall of Satan and one third of the angels, who rebelled with him, a group of those angels, as it is postulated, decided they liked the feminine beauties on earth and came down and mated with them. This produced the Nephilim, giants, whose ferocity, evil, killing and violence produced chaos. It was a major attempt by Satan to cut off the DNA of humanity to stop the birth of Jesus. The ever and always totally powerful God put an end to that disgrace for the population of the earth He originally created and He repopulated after drowning all those big and bad giant "dudes."

     Ever since, the history of the world has been one of constant conflict, wars and rumors of wars. I suffered in one of those! Even though the original Nephilim drowned and their giant skeletons are found ever so often, their DNA probably was carried by Ham's wife and they reappeared in force in what became the land God ordained for the Promised Land, current day Israel. Early Old Testament writings document the destruction of most of the post-flood "giants" under the leadership of that magnificent brave warrior Joshua. But, some survived, because God's orders to "kill them all" were disobeyed. Even though most were drowned in the Flood or killed in Canaan, their spirits lived on. Very simply put, "It is those spirits today that are within humans guiding, controlling and directing the forces of evil today to bring again the ferocity, sin, killing and violence we have suffered through the millenia. 

     Undeniably, Jesus Christ the Son of God came to earth to show us the way to live in peace and forever by faith in His sacrifice on the cross so we may enter Heaven as our final address.



Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #161: Champions of the Faith; Charles Finney (1792-1875)

 Reference; Miller, Basil. Charles Finney The evangelist who sparked one of America's greatest revivals. Bethany House Publishers. Minneapolis, MN. 1941.

     The prior two Champions about whom I have written, Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, were instrumental in revivals of the First Great Awakening in the period prior to our American Revolution. Our Lord moved another Champion of the Faith, Charles Finney, to move on America in our nation's Second Great Awakening in the 1800s. The extent of his influence for Christ was that "under his ministry a half million souls yielded themselves to his Master's touch." His thrust was to call people to repentance. Multitudes of individuals go about their daily lives not knowing or caring how they live each day. God requires us to repent of our sins. One of the major benefits of a life lived by God's will is to follow the Ten Commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight. When I first became aware of this requirement to have my prayers met, the "pleasing in his sight" was somewhat mysterious and I needed to work on that subject. This is the requirement that is subject to review in each of our lives.

     Charles Finney was born in 1792. The Lord guided his early years for his calling as an evangelist by preparing him in educational endeavors. Intense Bible study brought him to the conclusion that the Book was truly the word of God and that prayers must be prayed in faith. A major turning point in his faith walk was when he grasped the "doctrine of justification by faith" This is how he defined a new state of his deepened faith. "I could now see and understand what was meant by the passage, 'Being justified by faith, we have peace with God...' I could see the moment I believed while up in the woods all sense of condemnation had entirely dropped out of my mind; and from that moment I could not feel a sense of guilt or condemnation...My sense of guilt was gone; my sins were gone...I felt justified by faith...I was in a state in which I did not sin. My heart was so full of love that it ran over." He got the big picture! That is what he based his life's work on. That is a key for us all. 

     A 1970 movie Love Story had a line in it, "Love means never having to say you are sorry." In a secular setting this means loving someone to such a degree in a relationship that you never hurt their feelings or commit an unpleasant or mean action against them. Finney would indicate that his love for our Lord was so deep and strong that his life was one of sinlessness to such a degree that he need not repent because he did not sin!

     "His style of preparation was as he went among the people 'to learn their wants. Then in light of the Holy Spirit I take the subject that I think will meet their present necessities...I pray much over the subject and then go and pour it out to the people.'" Finney was strongly convicted that his success was due to his baptism in the Holy Ghost, "...which is indispensable to ministerial success." One student of his at Oberlin College in his latter years said of him, "God had His giant at last."

     "Springing from the inner fount of his own life, he heralded from the pulpit, the lecture room and the press 'that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.' This was his life-long theme song, this his white-hot passion." This he proclaimed until August 16, 1875. We need more heralds such as was he.! 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #160: Champions of the Faith-The Historic Legacy of George Whitefield

 Reference; Mansfield, Stephen, Forgotten Founding Father. Highland Books Cumberland House. Nashville, TN: 2001. 

     At my 50th high school reunion in 2010 at the Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire I was walking near my hotel on the main campus of Front Street, viewed a low marble monument and became captivated by the life of evangelist George Whitefield. The monument indicated that on Sep. 29, 1770 Rev. George Whitefield preached his last sermon of perhaps a stunning total 18,000 sermons in his life time at this exact spot in Exeter. He spoke, "Works! Works! A man get to heaven by works! I would as soon think of climbing to the moon on a rope of sand." He preached a very simple message of salvation through grace, the unmerited favor of God. When he finished, he rode his horse to Newburyport, Massachusetts and died that night!

     Whitefield had been born in Gloucester, England in 1714 in Bell's Inn, preached his first sermon at St. Mary de Crypt Church a few blocks away and attended Pembroke College at Oxford. We walked past all three sites on a trip to England. Whitefield's teaching and preaching was needed in England and the American colonies. Darkness had covered England in the decades prior to his birth. Mansfield wrote, "In 1662 an anti-Puritan Parliament ejected more than two thousand Puritan ministers from their pulpits...rationalism...and Deism, transformed God into an absentee landlord, Jesus, into a deluded fool, and the Bible into a collection of empty myths." England had begun a period of newfound wealth "with all the soul-numbing entanglements of materialism in tow." England had become "a land of spreading spiritual darkness." Into this environment our Lord brought George Whitefield to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus all across England.

     Then he began several trips by ship across the Atlantic and Whitefield's preaching in the colonies was of such importance and impactful that he became "the most famous man in the world." He had been the principal representative of the Christian faith and "...had led the great revival from Georgia to New England . Tens of thousands had flocked to hear him as he roared the glories of the risen Christ." Five years after his death the stirrings of freedom were beginning to be heard in America and the United States of America was birthed. George Whitefield had become a "Forgotten Founding Father." He had been a major reason the colonists had risen up to break the chains of the British rule.

     Author Stephen Mansfield, with whom I had visited by phone once, wrote that freedom for Americans and our War of Independence "...grew in large part from the truth he preached. He was their spiritual father, the man who called them to Christ and Christ's purpose for their land. It was his vision of freedom for both soul and society..." that we revolutionaries fought to defend and achieve. George Whitefield with "...a preacher's courageous heart for God,..." began the fires of revival for a land that became a beacon of light proclaiming freedom from oppression of a secular empire. His preaching taught that freedom from oppression of sin and unforgiveness brought freedom from the shackles of the evils of the material world. A great privilege of my life was to have "stumbled across" a monument near where I had attended school for the eleventh grade of my education.


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #159: Champions of the Faith- Rev. Jonathan Edwards(1703-1758) American Colonist

 Reference: Vaughn, David. General Ed. A Divine Light. Cumberland House Publishing: Nashville, TN. 2007.

     In my studies of the evolution of my homeland of America, I have always been persuaded that an impetus of the American Revolution was the spiritual effect of the Great Awakening upon the population of the colonies. One of the principal pastors, who preached about true Christianity, was the Reverend Jonathan Edwards, who preached in the mid 1700s. He lived from 1703 until 1758 and his major place of influence was a Congregationalist church in Northampton, Mass. 

     In just a single page it becomes challenging to cover all the salient points to describe his life and ministry and its impact on our colonists. My first study of his life and ministry was in 2014 and I renewed my study of his teachings this year. I had underlined in the first reading the teachings of points that I believed were important for my own faith walk. "It is the spirit of a truly godly man, to prefer God, before all other things either in heaven or on earth." (17). By the time of Jonathan's birth, "The fire of his Puritan forefathers was cooling to a smoldering ember...There is no doubt that religion had sunk to a new low in the colonies" (19-20). His preaching and teaching became a renewal of spiritual vitality. In 1727 he married Sarah Pierrepont. "... you could not persuade her to do anything wrong or sinful, if you would give her all the world, lest she should offend this great Being. (45). The desire of his parents for Jonathan was "...(he) might be filled with the Holy Spirit; from a child know the Holy Scriptures; and be great in the sight of the Lord." (24). 

     One of his personal Resolutions written in 1722 while at Yale was, "Resolved, never to say anything at all against anybody, but when it is perfectly agreeable to the highest degree of Christian honor, and of love to mankind..." (33). 'Thus holiness is not a burdensome duty; it is the beautiful condition of the soul in communion with God...it made the soul like a field or garden of God." (35). He wrote of his desire to teach the people, "...not the opinions of men--of other divines or of their ancestors--but the mind of Christ." Personally, I pray that I would be bound to the mind of Christ and have imparted to me Wisdom, Insight, Discernment, Knowledge and Maturity.

     He brought his service in ministry to his community to where, "...the entire face of the town was wonderfully altered. The old patterns of backbiting and quarreling were put away, the taverns were deserted, family life was renewed, and every day resembled the Sabbath." (57). Would that our own communities be touched in such a manner? His impact was, 'The old story of the gospel took on a new beauty and power. Scales fell from their eyes. They beheld the wonders of the cross and the beauties of the Savior. (57). He taught that individuals should,"... attain a love for God's written Word...there was no book so delightful as the Bible...there was a genuine love for the brethren and for the lost." (59).

     A highlight of his ministry was the commencement sermon at Yale in September 1741. He chose as his text I John 4;1; relative to testing the spirits. He proclaimed, "...there were five 'distinguishing marks' of a true work of God's Spirit...greater esteem of Jesus...against the kingdom of Satan...greater regard to the Holy Scriptures...leads into truth...operates as a spirit of love to God and man. (77).

     Perhaps his most enduring preaching is reflected, "In fact, he preached on subjects that many pastors refused to address--the heinousness of sin, the awful judgment of God, and the horrible reality of hell--" We hear too many messages of the "Love of Jesus" and not enough of the "Wrath of God." It is a feel good emotion to focus on love rather than wrath, but, there is a Hell awaiting those, who do not repent from sin and go on their merry way, denying there is a God, Who sent His Son to die for us all! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #158: Champions of the Faith-William Wilberforce a Force For Freeing Slaves

 Resource: William Wilberforce Freedom Fighter by Betty Steele Everett. CLC Publications: Fort Washington, PA 19034. 2007 printing.

"A rising star in British politics, young William Wilberforce led a life of privilege and power. Then he turned to Christ, and the Lord changed the focus of his heart. As a newly converted Member of the English House of Commons, he spent the rest of his long and honored political career promoting the freedom and rights of slaves." (Back Cover). In my opinion this was one of the signal turning points in history to address a horrendous evil that had existed since the beginning of humankind!

     William Wilberforce was a very slight young man. He had been born in 1759, small and frail. Early in his education he learned about slavery and began to condemn it. Due to the deaths of relatives and the bequests to him, he became a wealthy young man and entered St. John's College at Cambridge University. Early on after graduation he was moved to public service. A significant figure in his life became William Pitt. Wilberforce was elected to the House of Commons and for the next 45 years he was committed to this career. Pitt and he became fast friends. William Pitt became Prime Minister of England at 24! A rising star! On a trip to France with his old teacher Isaac Milner, he discovered Milner was an "Evangelical." "These believers were interested in personal religion and living like Jesus. They did not believe that merely going to church was enough to be a true Christian." (31). Wilberforce was urged to meet John Newton, who had been master of a slave ship when he was converted. 

     "Newton kept William both shocked and spellbound with his stories of cruelty to the blacks. He told in detail how the Africans were branded, then jammed into the slave ships so tightly that they could barely move except when brought up on deck for exercise. He told about the beatings and other inhumane punishments, and of the deaths-and how the bodies were dumped into the ocean without any religious service or attention." (35). This encounter with Newton changed Wilberforce's life. He became a Christian and his life changed. He became an Evangelical, founded by the Wesleys, who had started Methodism. It had appealed to the lower and middle classes as contrasted to the upper classes and their Anglicanism.

     Slavery had been banned in England, but not in the colonies. Wilberforce began a crusade for moral improvement in England. He began to support a Slave Trade Bill. His life was threatened. He believed his cause was slavery and it was a religious cause. He continued to pursue his great cause of a law forbidding the slave trade. 

     On Feb. 23, 1807 the long and arduous path that Wilberforce had walked down was voted into law. "The bill was passed that would make carrying of slaves in British ships, anywhere in the Empire, illegal after May 1." (71). William Wilberforce's crusade took a giant step forward to end parts of this abominable human tragedy that was ended with the act. Be it known "Slavery itself was not outlawed; only the trading and the carrying of slaves were illegal--and, of course, only in the British Empire." (74). But, the slave trade was still alive and well in the United States!!!!  Every thing William did came from his deep Christian faith. (90).

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #157: Talking Back Thoughts of the Tormenters

 Reference: Talking Back A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons by Evagrius of Pontus. Translated with an introduction by David Brakke. Liturgical Press Collegeville, Minnesota. 2009.

     Spiritual warfare is a topic little known or understood by most. This book is a real gem to describe very specifically methodology from the word of God to combat evil and dangerous thoughts that confront us to keep us from exhibiting the righteousness  of God. When Satan rebelled against God in Heaven and departed, he was followed by one third of the angels of Heaven and they have wreaked havoc on humanity ever since. It is their task to keep us separated from our faith in God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. But we can fight back and this book presents a practical application from the Word of God to do so!

     "Sometime in the final decade of the fourth century, a monk named Loukios wrote to Evagrius of Pontus, one of the leading spiritual guides among the monks of the Egyptian desert. Calling him 'honored father,' Loukios asked Evagrius to compose for him a treatise that would explain the tactics of the demons that try to undermine the monastic life."...Talking Back concerns itself exclusively with the monk's combat with demons, a topic that has not interested many modern historians and theologians." (Introduction). The monk's struggle with "virtue, purity of heart, and thus for salvation" is not just something worthy of study from sixteen hundred years ago, but something topical and timely for all, who desire to pursue a life of nobility. The Name of Jesus spoken out, when addressing demonic attacks is the strongest deterrent and weapon for those, who trust in Jesus as Savior. Demons must depart from us, if they have obtained a foothold via entry to our spirit due to unconfessed sin or lack of forgiveness and we say, "Demon (identified), in the Name of Jesus, I command you to submit to me because I take on the authority of Jesus to overpower you."

     When spoken in that manner, often one coughs and it is the demon being expelled. My "Go To" website for education and information on spiritual warfare is www.delmin.org, a ministry site based in Oklahoma City. The founder of the ministry Everett Cox has become a personal friend of mine. 

     This book covers specific temptations of thoughts of gluttony, fornication, money, sadness, anger, listlessness, vainglory, and pride. Here is a specific example related to anger. "Against the soul that accepts thoughts of anger and collects against the brothers wicked pretexts and false suspicions." (pg. 121).

     "Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not be anxious, so that you do evil. For the evildoers shall be destroyed, but those who wait for the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."

     This short book is power-packed to help us on our path each day to address the myriad of issues we face in daily living.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #156: Champions of the Faith: Thomas a' Kempis-Withstanding Temptation

 Resource: of the Imitation of Christ Whitaker House. New Kensington, PA. 1981

     This writing from more than 500 years ago is a timeless classic! Authored by a German monk in Germany, the writings are important in reflecting this Christian's devotion and obedience to God. Both Catholics and Protestants may find significant insights and teachings to live more fully in one's life as a devout person of faith.

     "Everyone therefore ought to be full of care about his own temptations, and to watch in prayer lest the Devil find an advantage to deceive him. He never sleeps, but ever goes about 'seeking' whom he may devour." (1Peter 5:8). (pg. 28). We will all be tempted without end. We must recognize the attacks to get us to sin and walk out of strength in God and be overtaken. The Devil is relentless and has been on the attack to take us away from our Creator ever since the Fall. 

     "Yet we must be watchful, especially in the beginning of the temptation. The enemy is then more easily overcome, if he is not permitted in any wise to enter the door of our hearts, but is resisted without the gate at his first knock....(the process is) First...a bare thought of evil,...a strong imagination...delight,...evil motion,...consent." (30). However, "God...will vouchsafe...with the temptation also make a way to escape," Paul wrote: (I Cor. 10:13).

     Temptation to do evil and to sin is overwhelming. One must constantly be on alert to recognize evil ready to take one over and learn the scripture to repeat to withstand the temptation. . Matthew 6:13 "And don't let us yield to temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Our Lord gives us a way out, but we must quickly pray for strength to withstand sinning. Our evil human desires lead us to sin. Our Lord leads us to repentance and forgiveness. 

Resource: Advanced Training Institute of America. A Comprehensive Course in Effective Counseling. Oakbrook, IL. "It is important to trace our surface issues to root problems and causes (5)." Main question for sinning relates to whether we maintain moral purity. "Counseling is helping a person resolve fear, depression, anger, lust and other destructive emotions by relating them to 'strongholds' which can be torn down with Biblical truth." (7). Sins of bitterness, greed or immorality gives up a part of us to Satan. Once that happens, there appears within us a "stronghold," wherein we become rooted until we recognize we have given territory to Satan over a part of our life. We accept false ideas, by which we make decisions, that are unwise. (9). Confession of our sin returns us to God's side of the equation and we are back on track for righteous behavior. Then the challenge becomes not to fall back. Daily Bible study becomes the reminder to turn us to God's truths for behavior. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #155: Champions of the Faith Andrew Murray-Part Two

     7. The Faith That Takes: "Therefore I  say unto you, All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24). "There must be a certain amount of faith before there can be prayer, but greater faith is the result of prayer." (83). "You will train us to pray so that we will believe that we really have what we ask for." (88).

     8. The Secret of Believing Prayer: "Lord Jesus! Increase my faith! Teach me to take time to wait and worship in God's Holy presence until my faith absorbs everything there is in Him for me." (95).

     9. Prayer and Fasting: This is a most challenging type of prayer. Jesus' disciples were unsuccessful in calling out demons from an individual. Jesus said that one required prayer and fasting. "...prayer needs fasting for its full and perfect development." (98). "Fasting helps to express, to deepen, and to confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, (even food), ...to attain the Kingdom of God. (101).

     10. Prayer and Love: "Love of God and love of our neighbor are inseparable....The prayer from a heart that is not right with God or with men will not succeed." (104).

     11. The Power of United Prayer: "...if friends were aware of the mighty help two or three praying in concert could give each other; (114). "They (churches) don't know that God rules the world by the prayers of His saints, that prayer is the power by which Satan is conquered,...united prayer (can) cast out Satan and save souls." (114, 117).

     12. The All-Inclusive Condition: We must fulfill a condition for effective prayer. We must abide in Him and His words in us. "...abiding in Christ is his immediate duty....Obedience and faith must go together." (155). Will must be given up. There must be no infidelity, worldliness or heathendom.

     13. The Word and Prayer: We must be grounded in the Word of God and study the Word in the Bible!

     14. Obedience: The Path to Power in Prayer: John 3: 18-19, 22 lays it all out. "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight." 

     15. The All-Powerful Plea: One must always pray In the Name of Jesus, the Son of God. The Father God in Heaven answers the prayers, but Jesus Christ is the intermediary that transmits the prayers to Heaven.

     16. The Holy Spirit and Prayer: "The coming of the Holy Spirit indeed began a new epoch in the prayer world. (186). Through the Spirit, Christ's prayers become ours. (188). The Holy Spirit is the breath of God. 

Avalon Chronicles #154: Champions of the Faith: Andrew Murray on Prayer-Part One

      Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was born in South Africa, the son of Dutch Reform Church missionaries sent to South Africa from Scotland. He studied theology at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands and became a missionary in South Africa himself. 

     "Here was a Man...destined to become one of the best loved and most widely read writers on the deeper Christian life. In his eighty-eight years he wrote about 240 books and tracts which were published in fifteen languages....who worked for spiritual renewal within the established church and who reaped the results of his prayers and labors in a deep moving of the Holy Spirit not only in his parish, country, and generation, but even to the present day through his writings."

Choy, Leona. Andrew Murray the Authorized Biography. (CLC Publications: Fort Washington, PA. 2000).

     One of my favorite books in my personal library is Andrew Murray's With Christ in the School of Prayer published by Whitaker House New Kensington, PA, 1981. He was a minister, who believed in prayer, as do I, and his book is a classic! He taught much on how to pray!

     1. Alone With God: Our prayers may be in silence before our God. "All we have to do is entrust our lives on earth to God when we are in secret and alone with Him....Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him." (26, 27).

     2. The Model Prayer: This is the Lord's Prayer. "We thank you for these living blessed words You have given us....And we will bring our needs, our sins, and our temptations to Him in the confidence that the love of such a Father cares for all." (36, 37).

     3. The Certain Answer to Prayer: Our Lord proclaims He will answer our petitions. However, we must have a clean heart by having confessed our sins and forgiven all others. I have found the answer is yes, no, or wait.

     4. The Boldness of God's Friends: "There is a twofold use of prayer: one is to obtain strength and blessing for own lives. The other is the higher and true glory of prayer...on behalf of others....Teach me to know the power of persevering prayer." (61, 66).

     5. Prayer Provides Laborers: "...(we) must cry to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers....need of laborers in the fields of the world, so ripe for the harvest." (67, 69). We are members of the team needed for evangelism.

     6. Prayer Must Be Specific: "Our prayers must be a distinct expression of definite need, not a vague appeal to His mercy or an indefinite cry for blessing." (74).

Monday, August 5, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #153: Authority

      The word Authority is oppressive and scary to some for a variety of different reasons. I was subject to the authority of my parents throughout my youth. I do not recall boundaries needing to be set by them to establish their authority, it was just natural for me to desire to be pleasing to them and make them proud of me. I attended and graduated West Point as a cadet, preparing to serve my country as an officer and I can assure you I became accustomed to authority for 47 months as a cadet! Then submission over five years to more authority as a commissioned officer involved in Vietnam as an intelligence officer conducting clandestine missions. Especially as a soldier we are under the authority of the rules and regulations of our military and that of the overall authority of our nation, when we serve. I never questioned whether I should submit to the authority categories enumerated thus far.   

     Societal/family experiences for many constitute a decided denial of submission to authority for many. This is due to a variety of reasons: to an overarching authority imposed upon some due to excessive parenting; hurt from someone or a situation; legal issues due to bad choices; a general hesitation to accept direction and possibly just a rebellious spirit.

     With the polarity of positive submission to authority by me and several reasons for authority being repulsive in daily human interactions for many others, we come to the ultimate authority for which it is wise to submit. That is to our Heavenly Father. 

    In 1963 Jimmy Soul had a song titled "If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life." The lyrics are forgotten, but the title is a good one. Yesterday in my 83rd year I came to the realization that, if I did want to be "Happy for the Rest of my Life," there was something I needed to finally do. That is to submit to the Ultimate Authority. Finally, although I may have actually submitted eons ago.

     Maybe some of you readers know Who that is. It is God the Father, the Creator of all in the heavens and on earth. The One, Who sent His Son to die on that cross in Jerusalem two thousand years ago for the sacrifice that allows us all the privilege of getting our lives of sin cleaned up. The Son Jesus left earth, but He left the third part of the Triune God here as the Holy Spirit to indwell us, if we allow it. Acceptance of submission to God's authority seems very challenging. It is, but, once accomplished, it makes life happier, because we have an anchor for our lives, a guide, an example of daily living. Living by the authority of God's laws means peace each day. We do not need to have the burden of guilt when we submit. 

     If you are stubborn to have accepted some aspect of authority in your life, keep it up, but if you are SAT (Sick and Tired) of dealing with so much turmoil in your life and wish to accept the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY, your God in Heaven is awaiting the opportunity to bestow blessings on you. Ask what you can lose versus what you will gain!

Vaya Con Dios! Go With God! 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #152: Champions of the Faith-Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival 1904-1906 Moriah Chapel

    Reference; Spirit of Grace Ministries McKinney, Tx. Writing by Dennis Pollock.2014.

     Several years ago Linda and I visited Wales in the United Kingdom and specifically Moriah Chapel in Loughor west of Wales' main city Cardiff. We had always heard of the 1905 Welsh Revival and this was our chance to learn more about this significant event in church history. In the immediate previous message Rees Howells participated in this Revival having just arrived home from America. 

     Beginning in 1904 the Revival had its roots in Moriah Chapel, the home church of Evan Roberts, who became the central figure in the Welsh Revival, "...one of the purest, classical Holy Spirit outpourings in the history of the church." Upon the illness of his father Evan went to work as a coal miner at age twelve. During his teen years he began to attend every possible church gathering. At age 25 he underwent a magnificent occurrence, that was preparing him for his future work. This lasted every night for three months. Roberts related, "I found myself with unspeakable joy and awe in the presence of the almighty God...I was privileged to speak face-to-face with him as a man speaks face-to-face with a friend." They were divine visitations!

     What eventually occurred at a small meeting was "...a mighty baptism in the Holy Spirit." He was transformed from "...a somewhat gloomy personality..." to one, who "...radiated tremendous joy." He began to speak with great confidence and had the goal of preaching throughout Wales. At his first Moriah Chapel prayer meeting with seventeen in attendance he spoke about the Holy Spirit in its totality which encompassed, "Confess all known sins to God. Put away all doubtful habits. Obey the Holy Spirit promptly. Confess Christ publicly." All seventeen confessed belief in Christ. That began his anointed ministry! The Revival fire was lit all over Wales. Churches began to be packed with services lasting for hours. 

     Very shortly Wales underwent an incredible transformation! Crime ceased to exist. Policemen formed singing quartets. The "pit ponies" in the mines ceased to obey commands because they were much more pure than the previous curses yelled at them! Pubs had reduced patronage. He spoke from his heart. "His experience with the Holy Spirit had left him deeply emotional. Tears flowed freely at times and joyous, unrestrained laughter at others." 

     The results of this outpouring had international consequences far and beyond the possibly 150,000 souls born again in Wales alone. Its impact went international, sweeping Europe, Canada, America and other parts of world. Unfortunately, after that year of intense ministry Evan Roberts was never the same. He suffered a nervous breakdown. His personal reach and impact was all in one year, but, it had immense consequences worldwide. America's own Azusa Street Revival in California, inspired by the Wales Revival, lasted from 1906-1915. 

     The teachings of Even Roberts will be continued in another book I am reading, War on the Saints, wherein he collaborated with Jessie Penn-Lewis.    


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #151: Champions of the Faith-Rees Howells Intercessor

      Originally published in 1952 was a book by Norman Grubb titled Rees Howells Intercessor. My own copy was published in 1983 by Christian Literature Crusade in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034. I rediscovered the book in summer 2024 as I was researching the June 1940 evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France after the German onslaught across Belgium and France. I had recalled the intercessory prayers of the students of the Bible College of Wales in Grubb's work about Rees Howells.

     My review of the book, after my third reading by Sept. 20, 2020, showed extensive underlining of key sections of the book as I was reminded of this Champion of the Faith Rees Howells, who, after an incredible ministry to include Africa, where he was a part of a ministry, founded by Rev. Andrew Murray, he founded in Swansea, Wales the Bible College of Wales. He was born Oct. 10, 1879 in the mining village of Brynamman, South Wales into a family of eleven children. His father was a working man in an iron works and coal mine. I am compelled to copy and mark in quotes the very poignant words from this book as expressions of the growth of Rees' faith. "But outstanding from Rees' earliest days was his consciousness of God." Early in his life was the influence of his grandparents, who had been converted in the 1859 Revival. Although, he said, "I felt I could face God every night, because I lived such a clean, pure life, and there were hundreds in Wales who lived like that." How many of today's earthlings can live in such a manner?

     Rees went to America to work near Pittsburgh, where his cousin Evan Lewis lived. Evan asked him one night if he was "born again." Evan asked Rees, "Do you know you are saved?" Rees replied, "I am Christian, and that's good enough for me." Rees then moved to another town and his cousin left him with the words, "...it troubles me to see you going when you are not right with God." Soon he realized, "...he knew there was a gulf between him and God, and a deeper concern for his eternal destiny than for any of the affairs of this life possessed his mind." It is a critical question avoided by most of what is their eternal destiny? He contracted typhoid fever and feared meeting his Maker, but, "From that time on, he never regarded eternity lightly, for he had faced the reality of hell-a separation from God for ever." At this critical time in his life he had a revelation: "I found that I had only an historical Christ and not a personal Savior who could take me to the other side."

     He met a converted Jew, Maurice Reuben, who had an experience, wherein Reuben "...heard a voice repeating to him the words of John 14:6: 'I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.'" Rees was sincerely touched by Reuben's testimony and that is when he described that the encounter became his spiritual birthday. It was when he truly understood, "When you receive the Savior, you receive the love of God." Rees returned to his native Wales in an auspicious year 1904, the time of the great Revival, led by Evan Roberts. During this time he realized, "The intercession of the Holy Ghost for the saints in this in this present evil world must be made through believers filled with the Holy Ghost." (Romans 8: 26, 27). Howells went on to a remarkable life of serving others, witnessing how his own life had been changed by Jesus Christ.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #150: The Full Blessing of Pentecost

 Resource: The Full Blessing of Pentecost by Andrew Murray. 1994. Christian Literature Crusade. Fort Washington, PA. 

It has been thirty years ago in 1994 that I came upon this small treasure of a book. At a time when my faith was deepening and my needs were great, I came upon the writings of this South African writer, teacher and Christian pastor. The Holy Spirit is perhaps the least understood of the Holy Trinity, which includes God and Jesus. What I desire to discuss about the Holy Spirit relates to when did it appear, what it meant and means for Christians and how do we obtain it? The brevity of my discussion in no way is to diminish the extraordinary significance of this infilling by the Holy Spirit.

WHEN DID PENTECOST OCCUR? 40 days after Christ's Resurrection (Christ appeared before many during that time frame) Jesus appeared before the twelve disciples and as many as 120 others on the Mount of Olives and ascended to Heaven after a rushing mighty wind occurred.  Ten days later Peter preached and the Holy Spirit descended to earth and three thousand were baptized in the Holy Spirit! This represented the beginning of the Messianic Age of the Christian Church. It is noted with great celebration and ceremony in most Christian denominations.

WHAT DOES FILLING BY THE HOLY SPIRIT MEAN? Obviously, entire books have been written on what is the significance of the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Holy Trinity, along with God the Father and Jesus, the Son of the Father. Very basically, an infilling of one by the Holy Spirit signifies that the recipients have advanced past the external Jesus Christ in one's spiritual maturation to a new and deeper level of power that begins to indwell us. One benefit amongst many is that we are able to have a heightened illumination of understanding of the Word of God. Another benefit is we have a new power to bless others. The Holy Spirit is the most important factor to assist us in combatting the pagan-dominated world of Satan.

HOW IS THE HOLY SPIRIT OBTAINED BY US? Rev. Andrew Murray discusses seven aspects of the Holy Spirit.

I. The full blessing of Pentecost is the inheritance of all the children of God. We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit so we may rise above a "weak and defective life" typically exemplified by us all. It is within the grasp of us all.

II. I do not as yet have this blessing. With the Holy Spirit "...we may walk in the fulness and joy of the Spirit,..."

III. Is this blessing for me? There is divided opinion in Christendom that the Gift of the Holy Spirit was only for the early Christians and not for today. "The indwelling, the fulness of the Spirit, is nothing but the entire healthfulness of the body of Christ...Learn, then to express and to repeat over again the conviction: This blessing is for me."

IV. I cannot grasp this blessing in my own power. "The blessing of Pentecost is a supernatural gift, a wonderful act of God in the soul...The impartation of this heavenly blessing is as entirely an act of God as the resurrection of Christ from the dead was His divine work...the believer (must) abandon all power and hope of his own to receive this full blessing as a free gift of divine Omnipotence."

V. I must have this blessing at any cost. Are you ready for the cost? "He that would have it must sell all, must forsake all: sin to its smallest item, the love of the world in its most innocent forms, self-will in its simplest and most natural expressions, every faculty of our nature, every moment of our life, every pleasure that feeds our self-complacency, every exercise of our body, soul, and spirit---all must be surrendered to the power of the Spirit of God." We must be emptied to be refilled. If you truly want it, repeat and say, "I have said to God that I must, I will have it . By this decision I abide. I must, I will have it."

VI. In faith that God accepts my surrender and bestows this blessing upon me, , I appropriate it for myself. "Believe that God has in heaven bestowed upon you the fulness of the Spirit...In this faith let your life be a life of joyful thanksgiving and expectation."

VII. Now I count upon God and wait upon Him to reveal truly within me the blessing which He has bestowed upon me. " He will...miraculously bring this heavenly blessing to fruition in you, so that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit and that you may know, not by reasoning but by experience, that you have actually received the Holy Spirit."  

My daily prayer, "I pray I may be controlled by the Holy Spirit and reflect the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, patience, gentleness, goodness, kindness, faithfulness and self-control." Amen 

Avalon Chronicles #149: "In the Name of Christ, stop!"

 Excerpts of Remarks by President Ronald Reagan National Prayer Breakfast Feb. 2, 1984

"We all in this room, I know, and we know millions more everywhere, turn to God in prayer, believe in the power and the spirit of prayer. And yet so often, we direct our prayers to those problems that are immediate to us, knowing that He has promised His help to us when we turn to Him. And yet in a world today that is so torn with strife where the divisions seem to be increasing, not people coming together, within countries, divisions within the people, themselves and all, I wonder if we have ever thought about the greatest tool that we have---that power of prayer and God's help."

Forty years later and the state of the world has not changed! But, we can take heed of President Reagan's charge to direct the power of prayer to the eminently more important ones confronting the nations and our world. We can bring together the prayer of two billion Christians and those of all faiths and beliefs that are worn out and grieving amongst the constant killing and turmoil evident on our planet. The battlefields most conspicuous are those on fields of physical fight, where blood is spilled, sapping the human treasures of a nation's young. We must be cognizant of the persecutions of people of faith, especially Christians, throughout the world by the true murderers of the world directed by hatred. But, we must go deeper than battlefields to the underlying spiritual warfare directed by Satan through his demonic warriors to foster and foment strife and divisions among nations, races and philosophies. President Reagan continued with an incredible story!

"The power of prayer can be illustrated by a story that goes back to the fourth century. The Asian monk living in a little remote village, spending most of his time in prayer or tending the garden from which he obtained his sustenance...Telmacmus...thought he heard the voice of God telling him to go to Rome. And believing that he had heard, he set out. And weeks and weeks later, he arrived there, having traveled most of the way on foot.

And it was at a time of a festival in Rome. They were celebrating a triumph over the Goths. And he followed a crowd into the Colosseum, and then there in the midst of this great crowd, he saw the gladiators come forth, stand before the Emperor, and say, 'We who are about to die, salute you.' And he realized they were going to fight to the death for the entertainment of the crowds. And he cried out, 'In the name of Christ, stop!' And his voice was lost in the tumult there in the great Colosseum.

And as the games began, he made his way down through the crowd and climbed over the wall and dropped to the floor of the arena. Suddenly the crowds saw this scrawny little figure making his way out to the gladiators and saying over and over again, 'In the name of Christ, stop!' And they thought it was part of the entertainment, and at first they were amused. But then, when they realized it wasn't, they grew belligerent and angry. And as he was pleading with the gladiators, 'In the name of Christ, stop,' one of them plunged his sword into his body. And as he fell to the sand of the arena in death, his last words were, 'In the name of Christ, stop.'

And suddenly, a strange thing happened. The gladiators stood looking at this tiny form lying in the sand. A silence fell over the Colosseum. And then, someplace up in the upper tiers, an individual made his way to an exit and left, and others began to follow. And in the dead silence, everyone left the Colosseum. That was the last battle to the death between the gladiators in the Roman Colosseum. Never again did anyone kill or did men kill each other for the entertainment of the crowd.

One tiny voice that could hardly be heard above the tumult. 'In the name of Christ, stop' It is something we could be saying to each other throughout the world today."

We can raise our collective voices. We can look around us at divisions politically. We can look around us at divisions of skin color. We can look around us at divisions of gender. We can look around us at the blood being shed throughout the world on countless battlefields, some highly publicized, others only in small villages. We can direct to our God in Heaven, our prayers, which He will hear and answer, "In the name of Christ, stop!"

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #148: The Benefits of Obedience

     As young children in a home where discipline and boundaries are applied lovingly, we grow in maturity recognizing that being obedient children has its benefits: trusting parents; latitude of freedom; and good feelings about ourselves derived from knowing we are doing things right as well as doing the right things. This good behavior at home is also evident at school, in personal relationships and in our workplaces, where we are held in higher esteem by teachers, friends and employers. Obedience begets favor in all arenas of life.

     Obedience as a child of God to God's laws and adherence to that which is pleasing in God's sight, yields incredible benefits and rights. We begin with knowing and being obedient to the Ten Commandments. There are other guidelines for our lives that reflect what God taught His people to adopt and live by. He taught us the actions and lifestyles that are abhorrent to Him. Living with  God's standards yields us immense benefits. Freedom from normal worries follow, because we seek and belong to God and live obediently in His kingdom. By using His word we wield a powerful weapon, which is a benefit to assist us to recognize and change our thoughts and behavior, especially as to our judgmentalism or criticism of others. 

     The ultimate benefit of obedience relates to our spiritual dimension. There are two major areas where our obedience to God is most critical. That relates to confession of sin and forgiveness. There is a benefit to us of obedience. We all have a myriad of needs and desires of our hearts for which we need the blessings of God. We believe in prayers being answered and are aware of God's Word in I John 3:22 NKJV "And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight." God hates sin and unforgiveness, so in faithfulness to His Word, we right ourselves, when we confess our sins and forgive all others. This is a major benefit of obedience!

     Many of us are under the influence of religious rituals, which provide no benefits of inner peace, because these provide only a surface feel good with adherence to rules rather than the depth of positive attitude due to true obedience to the desires of God to guide our lives. 

      Only in Him can we find true peace by a life lived in the protective umbrella of dwelling in Him alone.

Avalon Chronicles #147: "When All is Said and Done The Bottom Line"

 Reference: The Complete 54-Book Apocrypha 2022 Edition by Covenant Press. Covenant Christian Coalition. In the Preface to the 2022 Edition it is very plainly written that; "This library of apocryphal work is not Scripture but is the definitive collection of very early extra-biblical writings in the Judeo-Christian tradition."

"While it is unwise to hold the apocryphal Deuterocanon to the same God-breathed standard as 66 books of the Bible, we hold as Martin Luther did, to their value as possibly true and good to read, but unverified:

                                          "Apocrypha, that are books which are not considered equal to the Holy Scriptures, but are useful and good to read."

     In order to insure readers of these messages that it is not the author's intention to even hint at any heretical beliefs, please note on page 6 of this compilation of historical writings, it is proclaimed:

                                                THE GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION

In accordance with the Scriptures, Christ the Messiah, the Son of the living God, became human, incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, lived a morally perfect and sinless life, died for our sins on the Cross as a substitutionary sacrifice, was buried in a tomb, and was raised bodily from the dead on the third day. Everyone who hears and accepts this message of salvation, believing in their heart that God raised the Christ from the dead, will be pardoned of all their sins, given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and granted everlasting life in perpetual union with God. Salvation is found in Christ alone by grace alone through faith alone and not by works.

     If this were to be the final message of all that have been written over more than a decade, the above Good News of Salvation would be the final content for all readers to be absorbed and understood and captured and believed and lived by all who read these writings. 

     No human has lived a morally perfect and sinless life as did Jesus the Christ, but His life was a goal and the Gold Standard for all of us mere mortals. The world may be approaching the End Times of the Book of Revelation and if not already there, this is the time in one's life to get serious about where we wish to be when our earthly life is over! And not only for that final goal, but for peace each day!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #146: Casualties of War

      As a wounded Casualty of War of Vietnam, uppermost in my emotions there has always been a special melancholy for those wounded in my war, but, especially for the families of those who were Killed in Action in my war. There is a never-ending pain of the loss for all those family members, who visit the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C. It will be with them until their own deaths. For me the history of all warfare in the past and uppermost for the current conflicts is that of the losses of mostly young men, who never had the opportunity to live out normal lives. The families of war dead always live with holes in their hearts.

     A Linked In connection for me is Justin Roberts, Film Director for Echo Bravo Productions. He visited Kyiv, Ukraine recently and posted his thoughts on his experience there. I relate a part of his touching words with his kind permission. Rarely have I read such touching words!

"I walked in downtown Kyiv and came across a statue of a Cossack overlooking a field of flags of the fallen. As I walked I saw two young women who were lighting candles and laying down flowers. They were crying.

What we always miss in these moments is the scale of it all. Every flag is a mother and father in unimaginable pain. A spouse and child broken. A soldier who could have had a life. Times thousands upon thousands and for nothing. Nothing but greed and ambition.

Every generation faces great evil and how we respond to it tells us about ourselves and our generation.

And while we as a nation debate what we will stand for and are pushed left and right by the winds of propaganda the sea of little flags continue to grow. And the Cossack watches."

     This past Memorial Day I was invited by my niece Charlene Miseli to present remarks at a ceremony she planned as a representative of the Travis Manion Foundation at the DFW National Cemetery in Dallas, Tx. Volunteers of the Foundation paid respects at numerous gravesites at the cemetery. It was an especially poignant and memorable time for me, since thirty years ago I had recommended this be the site for the cemetery, when I was serving as Director, National Cemetery System at the Department of Veterans Affairs. My wife Linda, sister Betty and grandchildren Brooke and Beau were able to accompany me to the ceremony. As I spoke I looked out over the straight rows of the crosses over the graves, obviously not only war dead, but graves of Americans, who served our nation in uniform and died normal deaths. The setting is beside a lake and its closest neighbor is Dallas Baptist University.

     My closing remarks included;

Freedom flies in your heart like an eagle

Let it soar with the high wind above

Among spirits of soldiers now sleeping.

Guard it with care and with love.

                         Audie Murphy

They shall not grow old

     As we that are left grow old.

Age shall not weary them,

     Nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun,

      And in the morning, 

We will remember them.

                          Laurence Binyon  1914

Americans and our allies in WWI, our brave in wars since, as well as those Ukrainians memorialized in that field of flags sacrificed for freedom. We who cherish and enjoy freedom will never be able to repay the debts we owe them for what they did for us all and their fellow citizens. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #145: Why Doesn't God Answer All My Prayers?

      Often it has been that I have repeated, "You know that your prayers are answered because you obey His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight!" I have taken that to heart and always sought to satisfy those requirements. But, I have had multitudes of prayers unanswered through the decades. There really are categories of prayers:

      Prayers for my own healing and that of others. The fulfillment of these prayers often should take into consideration whether the maladies are due to our own or others' neglect of good health habits or hygiene. A life time of smoking is not necessarily going to have healing from emphysema. Sometimes family genes are responsible for maladies. However, our God is the One, Who hears and performs miracles beyond expectations. 

     Personal prayers of mine for desires of my heart to be fulfilled. These end up being prayers usually to satisfy my needs or wants. These can be for relationships, attitudes and provision. These may not be answered, because God does not desire the outcome we desire, because He sees ahead and it is not His will for us. 

     Really major ones are to pray for our sins to be forgiven or for us to forgive others of transgressions or hurts put upon us by others. 

     Back in 1994 I had lost my position as a political appointee in the President George H.W. Bush administration due to a change in the political party in power the previous year. I was employed in Durham, NC and my then-wife Jackie had filed for divorce from me. All the reasons need not be documented here, although she had severe hurts from the years after I came back from the Vietnam War and had become a double leg amputee with all the attendant issues from this severe combat operating stressor. I had traveled to Pennsylvania for a weekend with Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets from all over the east coast. I was in a discussion group with several of them and expressed my prayers she would change her mind. One very wise college student told me, even though I prayed mightily that we would not have to divorce, that a change by her would require a choice by her to withdraw her legal action. My prayers had no impact on her decision expressed by the choice to express her free will. God would not override her decision just because I prayed she would cancel the divorce proceedings. God has not made us puppets to tell us what to do. My prayers had no impact on her decision. Our divorce eventually proceeded to fulfillment.

     One issue that was very important to me to resolve was that she forgive me for volunteering in 1966 for service in Vietnam without talking it over with her. I had an opportunity for an assignment to avoid the war, but knew my conscience would not allow me to miss Vietnam without guilt all my life, a life built upon the West Point motto of Duty Honor Country. I volunteered for service in the war and I must have admitted the choice without her approval, when under anesthesia or the several months of morphine. At any rate she found out and had harbored for a quarter of a century unforgiveness and bitterness toward me for causing the horrendous challenges we suffered due to my war wounds. 

      Also, in 1994 at a Bible Study in northern Virginia one weekend away from Durham, I ended up in a room at our place of worship with the pastor. He asked me if there were any specific prayer requests I had. I answered that my wife(our divorce had not yet been finalized) had never forgiven me for my failure to discuss with her such a monumental decision as volunteering for a war. He taught me a lesson on changing attitudes or decisions made by others through a unique example of prayer. He told me, even if I prayed mightily that she would forgive me, that God would not override that decision. But he said, "We will pray that there will be 'Laborers of the Harvest' in her path to convict her to forgive me."

     We prayed that the Lord teaches us we must forgive all others of their transgressions or we ourselves would not be forgiven of our own transgressions. I asked him how that worked. He said we will pray she reads something, watches something, hears something on media or from someone else about God's teaching on forgiveness. I went back to Durham having great apprehension of the validity of that prayer!

     Two weeks later I was in Durham and she called me from Austin, Texas. She said, "I forgive you for volunteering for Vietnam without discussing it with me, when you had your chance to miss the war." I asked her why after all these years. She said she had watched Christian television the night before and on Trinity Broadcasting Network she listened to a program from Denver, Colorado with Marilyn Hickey in which she said that the Bible mentions eighteen times about the requirement spiritually to forgive all others or you will not be forgiven.

     Do I believe in prayer? Mightily I do! She did not forgive me because I prayed she would, but that prayer worked on her free will to change her mind and heart toward me! For this example and many others I truly believe Jesus is the Son of God and prayers to God in the Name of Jesus have a high probability of being answered, but a few ground rules do apply!


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #144: The Benefits of His Passion

 Reference: Avalon Chronicles #137

At the Crucifixion and Resurrection there was a new Sheriff in town! He came to change the world!

 The Evidence Bible Matthew 27:50-54 "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, 'Truly this was the Son of God!'" 

     If we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, we have a personal relationship with Him and can discard much of what religion or "spirituality" teaches us. We have the authority as believers to appropriate His authority to battle the adversary. More on this later.

     He walked the earth for forty days and appeared to many before He went to the Father in heaven. With His death on the cross His earthly mission was accomplished. Note above He overcame death in the earth overseen and under control by the devil, who up to that time held power over the earth and death. Jesus brought the opportunity for salvation to all, who believe He was the Son of God. Historically, back to Golgotha even the Roman soldiers, who were at the foot of His cross believed Him to be the Son of God. But, humanity through the centuries since that day, has lived in a never-ending time of turmoil individually and corporately, some caused by our own sins and expression of our free will and most caused by the continual attacks by the demonic spirits on humans. The attacks by the evil spirits become a proving ground for us to show our love of our God in heaven. We must express our loyalty by winning the tactical (personal) battles all of us are faced with each day

     He acquired the power and authority over heaven and earth. His Name causes the evil ones and the demonic spirits to cower before Him. So we have a choice. Either we choose God's or Satan's world. I choose God's. You too may do so by saying these words: 

(Copyright by Christian Equippers International 1981).

"Lord Jesus...I want to stop trusting in myself...and what I can do...and starting trusting in You...and what You have already done...when you died for me on the cross. I know that I am a sinner...and I am sorry for my sins. I ask You to forgive me...and I invite You to come and live inside of me. I want You to be my Savior...and my Lord...which means being #1 in my life. I want to repent and turn away...from everything You and the Bible call sin...and I totally commit myself...to obeying You...Everyday, for the rest of my life. Thank You Jesus."

     We can accept Jesus as Savior with this commitment and thereby have a multitude of benefits of His passion that will be addressed in future messages. God bless and keep you and your loved ones in the protection of our Father in Heaven. 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #143: Putting on the Full Armor of God and Then Some!

 I Put On:

The Helmet of Salvation

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Belt of Truth

I shod my feet in preparation to Proclaim the Gospel of Peace

I hold up the Shield of Faith to ward off the fiery darts of the evil one

I take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God

Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me.

I will make not provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.

I will bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

But, I say to you, that for every idle word that you shall speak, you shall give account of it in the day of judgment and by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.

I praise you Lord for your love, grace and mercy that endure forever.

You know that your prayers are answered because you obey His Commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.

I confess my sins of thought, word and deed, known and unknown. I repent and I ask forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. I know that you are faithful and just to forgive me my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteous.

I know that if I forgive all others, I will be forgiven, but, if I do not forgive all others, I will not be forgiven.

I bind myself to the character and attributes of God, Righteousness, Holiness, Integrity and Purity.

I bind myself to the Mind of Christ and ask that I would have imparted to me Wisdom, Insight, Discernment, Knowledge and Maturity.

I bind myself to Holy Spirit and pray I would reflect the Fruit of Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Self-Control.

The eyes of the Lord roam throughout the world to show Himself strong on behalf of those, whose heart is loyal to Him.

Allen Clark 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #142: Between Two Worlds: Will You Choose the kingdom of death or the Kingdom of Liberty?

      We all live in two worlds, one, our earthly existence in our flesh/body, ruled by Satan and a spiritual one of our soul and spirit, whose Kingdom is that of God the Father and Creator of all.

      One of the prized books in my personal library is that of Annals of the World, originally published in 1658 by the  most Reverend James Ussher, Archbishop and Primate of Ireland. My volume is copyright by Larry and Marion Price of Canada and what a marvelous volume they have revised and updated. It was published by Master Books of Green Forest, AR. In this work it is dated 4004 BC, when the recorded history of the Kingdom of God began almost 6000 years ago. God introduced the newlyweds, Adam and Eve, into the Garden of Eden, possibly located arguably in the land of present-day Iraq. It did not take them long to violate the Kingdom of God by eating the forbidden fruit. How long has disobedience reigned in Satan's world? The kingdom of Satan got an early start for humanity! The clash between the two kingdoms is the most critical element of our lives. That set the stage for the constant conflict in all our lives. Conflict is minimized is God's Kingdom.

     Because of this early disobedience the groundwork was laid for Satan to have authority over the world. A long study would be needed to establish the background for this condition and status, so take my word for its happening and let us develop the short example. A classic example of the veracity of Satan controlling the earth is his having the authority to submit Jesus to the three temptations in the wilderness. In NIV version Matthew 4:1-11 we learn that Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms in the world, if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus attempted to set Satan straight as to who really was in charge of earth by advising him to "Worship the Lord your God and serve him only." Thus was established in a very significant fashion the struggle we mere humans face each day. We must choose to believe a Supreme Being created planet earth and us humans, but God has given us free will to make the choices of which world we will inhabit every day. I have chosen to live in the Kingdom of God, the one in which I have chosen eternal life because of God's Son dying on that cross at Golgotha in Jerusalem in 33AD. Who, but God, knows the statistics of those in either kingdom, but I am comfortable for sure in God's Kingdom. 

     Humans may dispute there is God at all, but they do so at their own peril. Remaining isolated from the power available by believing in God, the Son and Holy Spirit is a lonely, fearful, and sad world to put it bluntly. By my or anyone's decision to join God's Kingdom by believing He was the original Creator of all and after four thousand or so years of our existence and much warfare and killing and suffering, He sent His Son Jesus for us to claim eternal life by believing He was Who He said He was, establishes me for a place in eternity. Not only do I have eternity in Heaven ahead rather than the depths of Hell, but I have a blueprint I can follow that gives me the opportunity for daily peace and happiness. I will not be so rigid as to claim I am always in God's Kingdom. One can choose that Kingdom, but, by unwise choices step off the right path from time to time and when that happens, one of those one third of Heaven's angels/demons, who joined Lucifer in rebellion, will be more than pleased to work us over! 

     Unfortunately, the continued suffering and pain and death in the world is because Satan is alive and well on Planet Earth. He uses his power over the unsaved to continue the mayhem and horror that has impacted us, since Cain killed his brother Abel. He uses his demonic agents to keep many in his realm through sin, unforgiveness, addictions and fleshly desires.

     Which kingdom do you choose? Only one has a destination of life eternal. 


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #141: National Day of Prayer in America May 2, 2024


        For this message I am forwarding the site to access the latest issue of Christian Times Magazine in which I have written an article on National Day of Prayer as requested by the magazine's Editor-in-Chief Charles Lingerfelt.


             Download Issue 83

             Page beginning 13 "Corporate and Personal Prayer"

Please be reminded of my web site www.combatfaith.com, where, admittedly my books are mentioned, but, more importantly, I have information for those veterans, active duty military or first responders, with issues related to combat/operating stressors. 

Honorable Allen B. Clark

Retired U.S. Army Captain

Special Forces recipient Purple Heart for wounds 

Vietnam 1966-1967

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #140" "Liberty or Death" Patrick Henry Speech March 23, 1775 Richmond, Virginia

 by The Honorable Allen B. Clark      allenbclark@aol.com

     When Linda and I travel abroad or in our own nation, we tend to visit sites off the typical tourist paths. Such was so years ago when we visited St. John's Episcopal Church in Richmond, VA. It was not an accident we went there. That is the church on March 23, 1775 where American Patriot Patrick Henry, member of our First Continental Congress and first governor of the state of Virginia, spoke those immortal fiery words that were a guidepost in the following years leading to the liberty of and formation of our dear United States of America. Some of the words he spoke that day are captured as follows:

        "The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part I consider it nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery,...Should I keep back my opinions at such time , through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings....Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?...If we wish to be free----if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending---if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us! 

     Sir, we are not weak, if we make a proper use of the means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave....What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!...

     I know not what course others may take, but as for me: Give me liberty or give me death!"

Source:Great American Speeches Edited by Gregory R. Suriano Gramercy Books New York 1993. William Wirt re-created the address in his Life of Patrick Henry (1817).

     This speech is one never to be relegated to the dust bins of history. It was one of the first bugle calls spurring our nation to break the chains of slavery of the British Empire. There are those throughout history, who could relate to these words of Patrick Henry's, as being the motivation and emotional appeal to break the temporal chains of slavery from servitude to governments that abuse their power. Temporal government slavery exists internationally today.  Stay tuned to harken back to this speech and adapt it to the liberty or death we face in the lives of each and every human being on earth today. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Avalon Chronicles: #139 "Total Eclipse-What is Being Covered Up?"

 By allenbclark@aol.com

Probably ten Bibles are in my possession, but my favored one I received just three years ago as a gift. It is The Evidence Bible New King James Version Bridge-Logos, Florida, 2011.

Commentary by Ray Comfort

Here we are one day before the newest total eclipse of the sun. I just "happened" upon turning again to Genesis 1 in the Bible to discover this footnote (pg. 4) below for Genesis 1:16:

"Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.

He made the stars also." Both lights will be evident April 8, 2024!

"Make sure you don't miss the magnitude of what God accomplished in creating the sun. Its surface temperature is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, with the temperature at the core around 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. That's hot. The sun's diameter is about 870,000 miles (109 times greater than earth), and it is 330,000 times heavier-and that is only one of over 100 billion stars that God made. The sun generates the heat and light the Earth needs. Without it, Earth could not support life. The sun is composed of 92 percent hydrogen, 7 percent helium, and small amounts of inert gases. It burns an incredible seven million tons of natural gas every second. And Almighty God spoke it into existence."

An entertainment icon of my earlier years was Johnny Carson. He would hear his guest make some comment and I still recall in the recesses of my memory, he would say, "I did not know that!"

For the footnote above, I can surely say, "I did not know that." 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #138: "Are You Ready to Surrender?"

Prayer of Surrender

If you have ever said, "I am ready to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but, I do not know what to say?," then read on!

Below is the "Prayer of Surrender" distributed by the pastor of my place of worship on Easter 2024.

Jesus, Your sacrifice for me on the cross not only covers the debt of my sin, it reveals the depth of Your love for me. Your resurrection not only testifies to the truth of your promises, it validates your authority as King over all things. You are the King of Kings.

I want and need you as my Savior, but today, I truly understand the gospel. I realize you came to be my Savior and King. I've wanted Your forgiveness for sin, but I haven't truly allowed Your rule to govern my whole life. I'm sorry.

Today, I truly give you my life. Not just as my Savior, but also as my King. I take the crown off my own head and place it at your feet. I bow my knee and surrender my heart to your Lordship.

Take my life. Govern me. Rule me. Change me. Lead me. Let my life reflect all that it means to be a true follower of Jesus the King.

                                     In Jesus Name. Amen

If you prayed this prayer and mean it, you must proclaim it and live it. Speak to others and share it with those you love and desire truly to join you in the family of God. Study your Bible, find a place of worship, where you are comfortable. Believe in the gift of answers to your prayers. Demonstrate and reflect Love for others. Get serious about your faith. There is too much chaos in the world today not to achieve the spiritual peace we need in this turbulent secular world. Vaya Con Dios Go With God! Honor Him and He will honor you. I pray with gratitude for the grace, mercy and love He provides me. 

Allen Clark

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #137: "God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Angels and Our Ultimate Enemy" #3


     Typically, the furthest most arrive in learning about the ultimate historical being on earth, Jesus the Christ, is in our youth Sunday School classes. We learn all those touchy feely stories about the beautiful baby Jesus, who was born divinely to Mother Mary, grew up in Nazareth north of the Sea of Galilee, learned carpentry from His earth father Joseph, somewhere around thirty gathered His twelve disciples and then began His ministry filled with teachings, miracles and lessons of how to treat others with the ultimate emotion we can express, which is LOVE, the least-expressed emotion in humanity.  

     God, the Creator of all, had a plan from the beginning. God knew eventually that there would have to be a flesh and blood human on earth to be a living and breathing example of how God desired humanity to treat each other. The genealogical line was established through the Hebrew nation by calling forth Abraham from ancient Iraq to travel to current day Israel to begin the family line. The Old Testament documents the history of the nation that evolved. That Ultimate Enemy, Satan, who gained power and control over planet earth after the disobedience of Adam and Eve, tried every trick in his malignant and devious line of work to keep Jesus from appearing on the stage of history to play His part for us. Satan tried to keep Jesus from being born. But, our all-powerful God brought Jesus forth to lay the groundwork for a world of peace and tranquility. It has become nothing but chaos!

     Today is Resurrection Day 2024. I know most call it Easter, embellished with cute rabbits and colorful eggs and squealing children filling their baskets. But, the true and unfailing significance of this day is that the Son of God, who appeared in that insignificant village in Israel, and not in some palatial mansion or castle to some historical and famous king, lauded and applauded with feasts and holidays and trumpets announcing the birth, was born most innocently and unnoticed. But, His impact on us until the end of time will be the most significant of the ages. Three days before his miraculous emergence and coming to life from His burial tomb, after the well-witnessed beating, scourging, piercing and bleeding on that horrendous hill in Jerusalem, the stage was set for the ending of the life of "The King of the Jews." But, it was just the beginning.

     Jesus, divinely and according to God's original plan, emerged alive and is still ALIVE. He went back to the Father and left us the Holy Spirit. What He did on the cross was to bleed and die for all of us. We have the opportunity to ensure our eternal existence after bodily death by believing He was, Who He said He was, sent to earth to show us the way to be forgiven of our sins, but there is a catch! We must believe that Jesus lived and we must be repentant and ask forgiveness of our sins to receive that forgiveness. Oh, yes, and we must forgive all others so that we may be forgiven. All the above seems insurmountable, but it changes lives and lays a path of life that has no better alternative. We are accustomed to follow the earthly Captains and the Kings, but following the real King Jesus heals our broken hearts, breaks the curses of our family lines and our own, and brings forth a greater joy than we ever had without Him! One must let Him take charge of the wheel of your life and keep you on the right road.


Friday, March 22, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #136: "God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Angels and Our Ultimate Enemy" #2

The Coming of the Christ

Note: The following about Jesus is derived from my writings in my third book:

          Soldiers Blood and Bloodied Money: Wars and the Ruling Elites (link: https://a.co/d/78o95s3)

     There is a whole other story about why God caused the flood in which Noah and his family began recorded history anew and I will address it in a future message. After that catastrophe the true bottom line of Old Testament history was that our mighty God was preparing humanity on this planet, created by Him, to enter history as an actual Person to demonstrate visibly and concretely how much he loves us. God introduced humans to the practice of worshipping Him. He called Abraham, residing in modern day Iraq, to migrate to what became today's Holy Land to begin with his group of fellow travelers a new land in which their descendants became true worshippers of God. However, as time passed many chose to worship the elements God created such as the stars, the sun, fire or wind rather than the Creator of all. 

     Even in primitive societies worldwide the stories of the one True God and His Son were repeated over and over. The Genesis and yes even the salvation story, were planted in the hearts and minds of the previous generations of their cultures. Eventually the descendants of Abraham developed the Hebrew nation, which became divided into north and south. Prophets began to call out the people for their apostasy in falling away from the worship of God for the worship of idols. There was the abominable sacrifice of infants, a release of blood upon the land. The people became complacent and they believed God would protect them indefinitely. Due to the sinning of the Hebrew nation, God allowed conquests by Assyrians and Babylonians and the exile of the Hebrews. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah 66:2 (NIV) proclaimed, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." This behavioral condition of our hearts is very challenging in a world built upon materialism, status, impressing others with our toys and extreme competitiveness. 

     The Old Testament began to relate how there would be a God in human form as the Son of God to appear on earth. There are over ONE HUNDRED prophecies in the Old Testament that relate the specifics of the entry into history for Jesus to walk the paths of modern day Israel and experience life, ministry, and death, all of which were fulfilled in the New Testament. A good life for each of us exists in contrast to some lives in Old Testament times and today's world, if we believe that God sent, as He did, His very own Son to be supernaturally birthed, live and minister for about thirty three years and then be crucified on a cross in Jerusalem. Contrast then and today many, who deny Him and choose to live their lives in the pursuit and fulfillment of power, self-aggrandizement and satisfaction of the baser instincts of behavior. Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to establish a standard of behavior that would be pleasing to God and, if followed, would lead us to a life filled with peace. Stay tuned for a review of what Jesus meant to us all.

When one gets serious about faith in Jesus we may pray as do I, "I pray that I may have imparted to me from the mind of Christ, Wisdom, Insight, Discernment, Knowledge and Maturity." It works!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #135: "God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Angels and Our Ultimate Enemy" #1

Biblical Quotes from Life Application Bible King James Version Tyndale House Publishers 

    Let us begin at the beginning to learn how we got here and started down the trail of each of our lives and back way past our own individual creation to Creation. 

THE CREATOR: Who was the Creator?

     He was the all-powerful entity that was there at whenever was the beginning and before. To understand how wide it is to comprehend God and where He resides, we must look in the New Testament at John 8:23 "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world." John 18:36 "My kingdom is not of this world." To us mere earthlings our world is planet earth as we know it, admittedly a very small planet in our small solar system amongst many other solar systems and uncountable galaxies. The God we know has a pretty big responsibility over ALL the galaxies. Despite this massive responsibility, we learn in Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." God created us.

     The first book of the Old Testament tells the story of Creation of our planet and Heaven itself. God just spoke it into existence and our earth was formed. It was not "built," but, just "became" through the power of God. God resides in the third Heaven above earth.

     Our God chose to begin recorded history on our planet earth and that first male and female created were Adam and Eve, who began their lives in a location known as the Garden of Eden, a geographic location in the Middle East, most probably in modern day Iraq. Most importantly all must recognize that God allowed humans to exert free will in making choices. He did not desire we become "puppets." Lucifer/Satan, who will be covered in future writings, caused them both, by their expression of free will, to disobey God, thereby establishing his legal authority over the earth and its inhabitants. God established a code of justice that must be followed.

     I have heard the theory that, "If God is so powerful, why does He allow evil to prevail?" That is explained by a recognition that we have free will and if it is exerted in negative ways, we play into the hands of Satan, who is the god of this world. Our free will choice is to follow God's Commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight, so we will be armed against the forces of evil spiritually each day. That is the only hope we have to prevail against all the personal and corporate challenges besieging our personal peace and well-being.