Friday, January 24, 2025

Avalon Chronicles #169: Deliverance Ministry Oklahoma City, OK

 Resource: Reverend Everett E. Cox,  Sr. Minister and Founder of Deliverance Ministries, Inc.     Author: Doing the Supernatural Works of Jesus 2010. Quoted verbiage is from the ministry web site. 

The Reverend Everett Cox is a personal friend and has been an overnight guest in my home twice. I have been privileged to have known him for three decades. His web site is the most comprehensive site to elaborate on the definition of deliverance and to what it relates for individuals. In Avalon Chronicles blog #168 soulful injuries was introduced for the healing thereof. Everyone learning of the healing to be addressed by deliverance and prayer must recognize that physiological injury is a separate issue and may or may not be able to be healed through prayer. Assuredly, most of us in the community of Christ are repeatedly called upon to "pray" for a friend for some issue. A study of Chronicles #168 and 169 delves in to a much deeper analysis of how to obtain healing. There are blockages many times to the healing process because there are issues holding back God from healing individuals. These relate to problem areas in our lives that inhibit our healing. This ministry site at lists in a most complete manner the innumerable negative issues that are a part of our current or past lives. Prayers may not be answered because the root causes of blockages have never been considered.

Deliverance Ministries at lists a comprehensive roster of current problem areas in which we may be affected or involved with issues that are unhealthy spiritually for us. These may all be addressed by the methodology one may follow on this ministry site to come to grips with issues to bring us to wholeness spiritually, emotionally and physically.

"Deliverance Ministries, Inc. is a holistic ministry to the body of Christ training believers to do the supernatural works of Jesus....Jesus went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil. Today the body of Christ is experiencing oppression at a level that undermines the ability of the church to be the church and undermines individual believers to fulfill their role in driving out demons, healing the sick and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom in such a way that people's lives are truly changed forever and they, too, can participate in the great commission....We have been called by God to equip an army with teaching the basics of the door-closing (to sin and demon oppression), followed with the simple ministry steps of breaking ungodly soul ties, inner healing, driving out demons, ministering physical healing and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Most are unfamiliar with these terms, but, an understanding of them may lead one to experience life in a far deeper and meaningful fashion and become a blessing in one's life.

Definitely, all who have not accepted Jesus the Christ as Savior and for many, who are familiar with the healing aspects through prayer and deliverance, there are still major voids in our lives that never are adequately dealt with. The recent ministry sites I have introduced to my readers are an incredible resource to bless our lives!

Avalon Chronicles #168: Healing From Soulful Injuries

Source: Rev. Daniel Pinckney Sozo Ministry Chattanooga, TN. Commentary in quotes is directly from Sozo web site. Author of Whole & Free.

It has been with great pleasure that Linda and I in recent evenings have heard of the extraordinary healing ministry of the Reverend Daniel Pinckney. We viewed on Youtube: "Walking in God's Supernatural Power A Stronger Faith Ministries Jan. 15, 2025." "Healing of soulful and bodily injuries sometimes can be accomplished through a spiritual analysis and application of a ministerial approach centered on spiritual warfare, sin, unforgiveness, stress and generational curses. 

"It is common that people suffer "soul injuries" throughout life, sometimes beginning even from the womb, or inherited generationally and those hurts can often result in spiritual, emotional and physical maladies....According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. And more than 75 percent of all physician visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints."

"Chronic stress can affect your brain, suppress your thyroid, cause blood sugar imbalance, decrease bone density and muscle tissue, raise blood pressure, reduce your immunity and ability to heal, and increase fat deposits around your abdomen that are associated with heart attacks, strokes and elevated 'bad' cholesterol."

"In our ministry, we meet a lot of people who are struggling with serious physical, emotional and spiritual problems. Many feel themselves in bondage to some addiction, whether that be fear and worry, anger, alcohol, drugs, sex, porn, overeating, etc....Some feel tormented and don't know why life just isn't going well for them." Be aware that the above conditions in one are what is termed "doorways."

In Matthew 18: there is the story of unforgiveness of debts by the king's slaves. A slave was turned over to the "torturers" for a lack of forgiveness. "Many commentators believe and we have seen true in our ministry, that the torturers are demons....The way God sets us free from the destruction that comes from Satan and his demons is for us to repent (of our sins) and forgive (all others)...from the heart....We have seen so many people set free from all kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual problems when they genuinely forgive."

Few totally realize that not only do we suffer from our own sins and unforgiveness, but, amazingly enough also what are sins and unforgiveness back through our family bloodlines. These are termed "generational curses." The technique utilized by ministers such as at Sozo is as follows (and we can personally do so ourselves): An example is: "We apply the blood of Jesus shed on the cross to set captives free from bondage and in Jesus' name, we break the power of this generational (from parents, grandparents their anger, lust, alcoholism, sin, etc) off of" of her, her children and all future generations."

Stay tuned for the next Avalon Chronicles and a deliverance ministry, whose Founder is a long time personal friend.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Avalon Chronicles #167: The End Times

 Reference: Who's Who in the Cosmic Zoo The Heavens Book Five by Ella LeBain

    In mid-2024 it was for my extraordinary enlightenment that I viewed an interview by Ella LeBain on a podcast. My interest in her and her amazing research led me to order directly from her the first five books she has written. They constitute 2704 total pages. I am thru page 356 on book 5, therefore I have read 2484 pages since last mid-summer. I am thoroughly amazed at her content which sweeps from her encounter with the Christ in the Negev Desert, through New Age involvement, eventual conversion to sincere and committed Christianity and deep research into innumerable topics on Christian faith. Some of the more significant writings relate to the End Times prophecies. Her strong Christian faith has been inspiring to me!

     A review of these prophecies are worthy of study: Daniel chapters 7 to the end , Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 John 2  and all of Revelation. Another author, whose book I am reading, also writes, "...the conspiracy of the ages is playing out on the streets of human life...right now." LeBain writes, "Cataclysms such as massive Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires (California?), hurricanes (North Carolina?) and meteors or fireballs" are prophesied. We have experienced world wars, nuclear wars, civil wars and constant violence."

     "All of us need to take the warnings of the Bible seriously. We must be careful not to make the mistake of rejecting any of its teachings,...Bible prophecy shows that earthquakes, along with other major calamities, will strike the earth in the not-to-distant future. Repentance and reconciliation  to the Lord, will save souls for the Kingdom of Heaven which is coming to Earth in the Age to Come."

     "God takes no pleasure in the suffering humans bring on themselves (2 Peter 3:9). Instead, He wants us to choose the way of joy and abundance that comes with a reconciled relationship with Him, as He offers to those who seek Him and live His way of life . (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:9)."

     "The fall of the Babylonian system extant at the end time, will happen quickly and suddenly; 'Her plagues will come in one day---death and mourning and famine...In one hour, your judgment has come...In one hour, such great riches came to nothing. In one hour, she is made desolate.'" (Revelation 18:8, 10, 17, 19).

    I do not know about you, but I do not expect to be around for all these final calamities. I place my trust in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17!

     In the timely motto of the Boy Scouts: "Be Prepared."

Monday, January 6, 2025

Avalon 166: The Serpents Behind it All. Part Two

      Reference: Cahn, Jonathan. The Dragon's Prophecy. Frontline an imprint of Charisma Media. 2024 Lake Mary, Florida. 

     The serpents are under deep cover. They are behind the wars and use the first two groups to oversee a world dominated by Lucifer, God's adversary, since the attempted coup in Heaven. Lucifer and his "foot soldiers," the one third of the angels, who followed him in the rebellion, are the demonic spirits, driving so much of the evil carnage and suffering by humanity. It is my belief that throughout history, beginning with the murderous outrage within Cain to kill his brother Abel, that Satan has totally controlled individuals such as the recent historical characters such as Hitler and Stalin to kill and destroy and cause so much human suffering in the aftermaths of warfare. This includes the suffering by what today is reflected in veterans and their families, who are the sheep and the lambs. The wolves are expressed in modern ages as the "Elitists," who personally profit from continual warfare. Sometimes there are wolves, who lend money to both sides. 

     Jonathan Cahn in his latest book The Dragon's Prophecy writes of governing institutions, directed by Satan, and power-hungry individuals, taken over by demonic spirits. He writes, "...the Enemy opposes all of God's work, so he opposes each of God's works...He wages war against each. He wills and seeks the breaking of every life, every soul, every relationship, every marriage, every home, every hope and dream, every heart."

     Our military and veterans have been the targets of these attacks as we have suffered through earthly warfare. It is only with Second Coming of Jesus, the Messiah, that the serpent will finally be vanquished, when the millennial kingdom is established. Only then will the lambs and sheep be protected from the wolves and serpents. My own healing from my survival on that Vietnam battlefield in 1967 has only come through accepting Jesus the Son of God as my personal Savior. No healing was received from the "earthly" leaders in the political and financial arenas. Only my Father in Heaven has not let me down. 

     Unless, through divine and miraculous intervention by our Lord God, the future will be fulfilled as prophesied in Revelation. The flower of the youth of America and other nations will ultimately be engaged in the Final Battle of Armageddon to be fought in the Jezreel Valley at Megiddo, north of Jerusalem in Israel. We veterans may suffer again by offering our blood, sweat, tears, limbs and emotional stability. But, it will be the final sacrifice by our veterans, always having been the casualties of the "spiritual warfare" waged from the Garden of Eden through the populating post-Flood to the modern world. On Veterans Day 2024 I wrote, "May we be proud to have been qualified and able to have served. May we all be blessed to be healed from our battlefields."

Avalon #165: Deep Dive: 'Who is the Real Enemy?" Part One

                              IT DID NOT TAKE LONG FOR THE WARS TO BEGIN!

Reference: The Complete 54-Book Apocrypha. 2022 Edition. Covenant Press.

     Book of Jubilees. Chapter 11: After the Flood Noah and his three sons began to spread out over the Middle East and were given responsibility for certain geographic areas. At some point thereafter "And the sons of Noah began to war on each other, to take captive and to slay each other, and to shed the blood of men on the earth, and to eat blood, and to build strong cities, and walls, and towers, found the beginnings of kingdoms and to go to war---people against people, and nation against nation, and city against city, and all [began] to do evil, and to acquire arms, and to teach their sons war,...and malevolent spirits assisted and seduced [them] into committing transgression and uncleanness....And the prince Mastema (an evil angel connected to the Nephilim)...sent out other spirits, do all manner of wrong and sin,...and to shed blood on the earth."

     Fast forward several thousand years. The "malevolent spirits" are still at work on humanity.

     Our patriotic, dedicated and committed military have served since the Revolutionary War to free, protect and save our nation and countless others from the ravages, assaults, killings, invasions and sometimes barbarous actions of those we have opposed in warfare. The "enemy" has many names, "Japs, Nazis, Hun, Chinks, Charlie, gooks, dinks, Talibs, Mahdi, militia or just plain terrorists." 

     These were our enemies, the front-line battle warriors we faced in combat. They were common soldiers across the lines of battle just like most of us. Sometimes the geo-political backgrounds are discussed, but a deep dive into the underlying causes of conflicts and the "Usual Suspects" are ignored. Allow me to pull back the curtains of history to discuss spiritual warfare. My past research is covered in my third book, Soldiers Blood and Bloodied Money Wars and the Ruling Elites. 

     Secular Fulfillment of Prophecy: "Usual Suspects' are fulfilling the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation right in front of our blinded eyes. My bottom line is that there are three basic groups/motives that exist for those involved in this myriad of motivations to cause wars to move us to an inevitable one world religion and government. Constant conflict and warfare sets up the the need to be addressed by the antichrist, who arrives on the political scene to promise a cessation of the problems of the world, which the antichrist actually originally founded with his legions of secret warriors. The antichrist offers a solution to bring peace. The different groups reflect the strategic explanation of our constant warfare from times of recorded history. The lambs and the sheep are the ones manipulated by wolves and serpents to suffer through history. The second group are the wolves, motivated by achievement of financial gain or achievement of economic power.

     Stay tuned for a description of the third group, the "serpents."