Friday, March 22, 2024

Avalon Chronicles #136: "God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Angels and Our Ultimate Enemy" #2

The Coming of the Christ

Note: The following about Jesus is derived from my writings in my third book:

          Soldiers Blood and Bloodied Money: Wars and the Ruling Elites (link:

     There is a whole other story about why God caused the flood in which Noah and his family began recorded history anew and I will address it in a future message. After that catastrophe the true bottom line of Old Testament history was that our mighty God was preparing humanity on this planet, created by Him, to enter history as an actual Person to demonstrate visibly and concretely how much he loves us. God introduced humans to the practice of worshipping Him. He called Abraham, residing in modern day Iraq, to migrate to what became today's Holy Land to begin with his group of fellow travelers a new land in which their descendants became true worshippers of God. However, as time passed many chose to worship the elements God created such as the stars, the sun, fire or wind rather than the Creator of all. 

     Even in primitive societies worldwide the stories of the one True God and His Son were repeated over and over. The Genesis and yes even the salvation story, were planted in the hearts and minds of the previous generations of their cultures. Eventually the descendants of Abraham developed the Hebrew nation, which became divided into north and south. Prophets began to call out the people for their apostasy in falling away from the worship of God for the worship of idols. There was the abominable sacrifice of infants, a release of blood upon the land. The people became complacent and they believed God would protect them indefinitely. Due to the sinning of the Hebrew nation, God allowed conquests by Assyrians and Babylonians and the exile of the Hebrews. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah 66:2 (NIV) proclaimed, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." This behavioral condition of our hearts is very challenging in a world built upon materialism, status, impressing others with our toys and extreme competitiveness. 

     The Old Testament began to relate how there would be a God in human form as the Son of God to appear on earth. There are over ONE HUNDRED prophecies in the Old Testament that relate the specifics of the entry into history for Jesus to walk the paths of modern day Israel and experience life, ministry, and death, all of which were fulfilled in the New Testament. A good life for each of us exists in contrast to some lives in Old Testament times and today's world, if we believe that God sent, as He did, His very own Son to be supernaturally birthed, live and minister for about thirty three years and then be crucified on a cross in Jerusalem. Contrast then and today many, who deny Him and choose to live their lives in the pursuit and fulfillment of power, self-aggrandizement and satisfaction of the baser instincts of behavior. Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to establish a standard of behavior that would be pleasing to God and, if followed, would lead us to a life filled with peace. Stay tuned for a review of what Jesus meant to us all.

When one gets serious about faith in Jesus we may pray as do I, "I pray that I may have imparted to me from the mind of Christ, Wisdom, Insight, Discernment, Knowledge and Maturity." It works!

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